Hello Reader,

Today passed with trials and tribulations, although I believe in the end it turned to be alright...

I heard that if you are so alone and in great suffering Hermes Trismegistus will occur to you and show 

you the ways of wisdom...

however to develop yourself and to study his teachings depends on you....

because you will pass all the trials and tribulations on your own..

in the end its your inner journey to better yourself

in the end you have to choose to step on the void

to the unknown with a brave step.

this is a long journey

Its your destiny to discover the reality in yourself and its all up to you to initiate yourself

to the solemn grace of light of the great creator and universal knowledge....

reader, when you read this you might think something amazing happened to me like end of an initiation

or acquiring a great piece of wisdom ....

no its completely not 

the only thing happened today for me was a great realization with certain aspects of my being

and how I can control them...

still I have many things to better in myself...

as I was doing my meditation early morning at outside...

it was a really light and uplifting experience I had...

because I was able to be focussed on the moment and nothingness and everything that it contains....

its been a cold day here and the colder days are increasing 

soon I will not be able to do meditation outside...bummer

you may think that I got it all when I talk like this right!

no I don't... I am also a fragile human being just like you

who needs help and directions from time to time

yes here I talk on many things on love and light

I don't want to give you the wrong impression that I got it all

the only thing "I know is that the road I follow is the right road which is clearly making me feel better with myself and with this thing we call being alive, each and everyday...

In comparison to last year I am more at peace

more loving towards myself

I have more acceptance over the things I cannot control...

yes I am still stuck in some endless cycles that I need to break

sometimes you know how to break these vile cycles

but you just cannot break them to take on the consequences

because you know its going to break you in ways you cannot easily recover 

sometimes consequences hurt the ones you love and in the end it hurts you more...

so reader...

we all have our own angels and demons fighting along

we all have our best and the worst

its the human condition

we all trying to survive

I am always grateful for the lessons and everything I got to receive in life

some portion of my life yes I had some regrets but I guess it was there in my life to build me up...

so that I can learn my ways...

He fist bet, sin in thy palms of word in ink end in sage

In words, I mend sends means of mage whispers

Fair ail fair, I soaked, wisdom aching to heal fear

In the mist of ignorance, society races for a demise to appear

Along the chords of vibration to lift your soul, freeing a slave

Same road, leads rebels grace from the lights which form the shadows in your cave

Sour facts slays a false connection a brittle affair,

                                                        King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Jordy Meow - Pixabay)



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