Hello Reader,

Sleep left me alone on my own again...

my heart is burning 

there is no water to quench its fire

I thought it was already burnt

but it started to flame up all of a sudden raging.

Although, I am very prepared for this cliche

pain left the house 

because I became the pain so lame in rein

firecrackers pop and her majesty watch over me

in my diy prison 

white light washes over me 

like a fresh taste of freshly opened beer

in poverties dream grandeur 

golden age is yet to be born.

                            King H. Ironson

lame chains of reality

broke piece by piece

as the words I utter in my poems crack

the lack in the track

that we call life 

these days!

            King H. Ironson

listen to the words in the wind

under a moonspell night

where curse of your love

spells out damn your love

damn your light

even though I shine with love

inside out! 

fyi chains were already broken!

only you are not aware

brace for impact 

in your life intact

that you insist to act

             King H. Ironson

(Photograph: "Her Majesty" by King H. Ironson)

NOTE: No Alcohol ! No Sleep !
need to cut my beard
I look like a bear
to much hair look like without ear
never be
without ear!
Bear in mind...
bear in me!
be with ear
loose the itchy beard
not the ear of the bear!
be a bear without a beard and with ear!

A further Kraken poetry as well
what the hell...

a secular thong
Bit till crow hoo
That lou ban ring
Sour gown seasonal gong
That lou ban thing
I bowed lou
shit levery ring I brake
Sand pit sit bit burned sad lad
What seeing has levery shiling
Cut the hurt dis
Lame meals
Sheer wons seams not a ring
                            King H. Ironson


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