Mental shush

 Dear Reader,

Do you ever get so frustrated by people who thinks that they understand you?

Like they did understand themselves to begin with!

With a great arrogance and pride they think that they understand you

and from this biassed understanding they draw conclusions...

as far as I see they only draw their own stupidity...

anyways, I am only sad for these kind of people..

because they always have reasons to hide behind, 

These kind of people let their life pass by hiding behind shallow conformities 

probably because they are so afraid to take a step from their comfort zone 

from their insecurities they construct you and evaluate you with their own biassed reality..

Anyways, these kind of people maybe should remain in their self built cell and slowly rot with their own comforts one should stay away from this kind.

Today, aside from applying jobs and having small walks in the alley way...

I made a new friend....

She is so pretty and I loved her and I believe she loved me as well...

as I was walking with her she dragged me to run with her

under the shade of mature trees and with the small breeze of the autumn winds we ran

we enjoyed the life

and we enjoyed our existence

we enjoyed the last sunny days of the season

before the harsh white winter...

she is like a jewel

full of life and energy, 

her name is "Dharma"

she is the prettiest thing I have ever seen

we bonded with her very quickly

she is not the regular kind of girl

she is a kind of punk

She is so talkative and 

she is bity too ;)

as we talked and walked with her 

she pooped two times and peed at least three times...

she have white and yellow furs and a smelly mouth

crazy puppy growled to me every time I tried to take her stick to throw when playing fetch...


Lean in the torture, love is in the moments cream

Fate blotted tarts, pan a joyous lame

Let the falling sills be tapered, love is set to be bold

Mental shush, cowards don't have love set to unfold

Burrough in thunderous cries seasons shame shook to be told

Hey don't become few, a normalised horrid stream

                                                      King H. Ironson

(Photograph: robinsonk26 - Pixabay)

Note: Once a women that I dearly loved
gave me the best gift I had ever...
a book called "Dharma Bums" by Kerouac
she said one of the most beautiful things I've been told...
she said "when I read this book, it always reminded me of you and I wanted you to see how I see you through my eyes..."




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