other soul's tomorrow

 Dear Reader,

Green small eyes hair charcoal black long and long hair...

small belly and comfortable shoes and ownership of a crazy dog

with black comfortable shoes to be added again...

remind me of a time I lived back then

as I was continuing to burn down the garden furniture tonight

burning garden furniture or loading up white bunnies 5%

don't relieve me to be get lost in flames

instead I got lost in the flames of the memories

time between 1997-1999

place a rich neighborhood in somewhere I used to live

place: a party given by my ultimate crush

a house warming party...

a house given by the university to the father of my crush...

because he got to take the position of vice president of the university

my crush and her sister took the key of the new residence for the position

to give a surprise party for all their friends without their parents knowing

no furniture inside the residence except for punks with their booze and drug

reader probably tomorrow I will regret this piece because of the booze I consume right now 

not the piece I wrote

anyways, I came to the party location with my best friend whom knows my crush and her sister...

sister aka "holly ass" among the friends...

holly ass and my crush aka "gazelle" are both studying architecture back then.."holly ass" is studying in the best architecture faculty of my country which was my university which also had the best engineering  faculty where I was studying...

"gazelle" on the other hand was studying landscape architecture in a university which was not as good as ours..

although she was so ambitious

I met with her with my friend in our french courses back then

then I got a crush on her 

I bought white roses and went back under her room in their apartment

and called her from her phone (cell phones were new back then and we both very lucky university students whom have cell phones because of our parents were doing really good) and asked to look to the street

where I was standing on my knees with the white roses in my hands

stupid "gazelle" came down the street pick the roses and thanked me in a very polite manner and moved back to her home like nothing important happened....

"mixed feelings"

made me feel uncertain...

she always gave some hope but never let me in all the way

I knew back than how ambitious she was...

however, back then she told me that she has a boyfriend to avoid me

which I think was made up story...

because if she was not into me 

she would not want me to be around

instead we were riding to our french courses together in her car

and spending time after the school  in  parties or in film festivals

or other kind of social activities

talking in the phone for hours..

and aside to our universities our houses were so close we were always around

she even took up in my club..."mountaineering club" 

just to be around....

thanks to her dad....whom was the vice president of our university 

my club got a serious donation

all of a sudden we became a club which only had bare minimum  to a club that has the all

yes the party was before we received that big donation

ohh fuck I was a punk back than way more free and no more fucks back than

ohh Inanna don't think I forget you 

this is all about you....my primary love

fucking drinking almond liquor to get high here

"some girls are bigger than others" (smith's)

its fucking love

which made the world go around

when it was not present all the world stopped

for a dose of sorrow

"because I have got no one anymore"

did I tell you that I am drinking my almond liquor in shot glasses that says "dad bod" 

how fucking dramatic is that

gazelle is currently in living in London...

she is in the best architecture firm that ever 

and she is very high on the top...


she had a son and a broad fore headed husband...

I hope she is happy, the pictures tell me the otherwise


I feel so at peace with her all the time

because I had did everything to be with her

but she resisted all the times except for few

one of the moments was at that party

when she saw me at the door she took me by the hand

and took me to the ledge by the window...

inside the house people were drinking and dancing

me with her on the ledge of the window at the fifth floor

dangling our feet to the void

looking to the summer night hand in hand

and sharing a joint drinking beer

while everyone is partying

we talked intense things and shared hands

and kiss

the moment was stopped

but we were not meant to be because

she had to have a kid from the large foreheaded english fucker

whom will not love her and make her a drunkard

reader you should never skip a moment 

moments tell you everything

the way you fuck up

the way you succeed

almond liquor is not bad after all

reader please save your life

 oh Inanna


I got lost telling the life I lost for your majesty

today is Friday, when we devote out love, a lousy poetry and recyclable nude to her majesty

you shape our life

you make us what we are

you are us we are you

we are humble 

in your presence

I remember holding her small breasts 

in a public bar when we were drunk and 

where we had a separate space

and her telling me

to slow down

because we cannot exceed

the quota



       King H. Ironson

They fear they lost in love

far the city hug them in the night 

life sickened

all been heir lies

rocked a cream

shit rendered slair hord"s instinct

Very sing shaded

Noter day yesterday and today

sand shit retained

Pass the lottery hey waived

Stars are fading into other soul's tomorrow.

                            King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Helen Lee Worthing Ziegfield Folies of 1921, The tatler)

Dear Prudence
won't you come out to play?
dear Inanna
I was drunk
I slept
won't you let me see you smile?


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