
 Dear Reader,

Today, I will talk about perspective...

not the perspective you see in a great long hallway 

or on a street with similar buildings on both sides...

reader, the perspective I bring is about the one 

that we empathize on how others perceive the world or our actions.

I am not emphasizing that you have to consider your every move thinking others

however, most of the times we approach others with fakeness because we are

afraid that we are going to hurt the other person with the truth or with what we really are...

reader don't fall to the trap of being nice you would do the worst thing...

don't wear persona that does not belong to you just to prevent how you will be perceived by others...

be true to yourself and to present by yourself to the others

go to them with your own truth however the truth might hurt them...

if you don't you will not pass the test of time with them

because reader...

you have never perceived the world from the perspective of others

and you will never perceive the world that way....

so yourself instead of trying to fit in a bag that you think would be desirable to the other person....

because to begin with your perspective on how that person perceives the world is already faulty at the beginning..

and know that it will be never right...because you are not them... 

go to them as yourself with your own truth...

don't fear to be your true self...

if other people around you does not accept you with your own authentic truth..

than you should ask yourself "Am I at the right place?"

because if you are at the right place 

you would be accepted and you would not need an approval to be your true self...

you would not need to put fake masks, facades, personas....

in the right place you would feel at peace and understood...

Shy, shush, paint a tall kink pose

sits with lack and cover

sit of a sexy pose

sit roars

She tinders a slap, sit tores

Dove for roses, hiding sins

Say frankly on the bottle

The drapes swing

Set my soul a piece of wing

with a kinky perspective

                        King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Public Domain Pictures - Pixabay)


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