say leases

 Dear Reader,

`The winter is coming you can tell from the migrating chickens, 

falling leaves, cooling weather and withering flowers...

it is saying to you that prepare to sleep until you revive next spring

don't get me wrong I love winter a lot as well....

but I have passed couple of very challenging winters...

they felt like falling and falling over to the depths of endless pits

in one of these winters I felt so lost and dark 

that I finally found something

something in my core

my light within

I hold on to it

it was the thing saved me

little by little I returned to my senses and started to feel alive 

so, reader the beginning of the winter it feels so dramatic to me

as the winter begins, it starts to make me feel uneasy and indifferent

although this winter I feel hopeful and excited

looking forward to start my new life, hopefully in another province

so, winter is coming and I feel ready for the winter or whatever is on the journey...

hide bummer burning

sweep uterine drills

lover of the union moon

trashed by a swarm

freeze, of the say leases.

lean in other way

of the rave finders.

latently falter upshift,

for a tarty trinity

a reason for a blue pill affinity

                    King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Mathias Reding - Pexels)


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