swan worries

 Hello Dear Reader,

Today, I burnt the motor of the lawn mover, I don't know how that happened...but now its burning oil...

now I am moving the lawn with a oil burning lawn mover...

another expense you need to take care...

hopefully winter is coming and maybe one or two more times I would need to use it...

I hope it will not die on me completely by then...

it was already a second hand lawn mover...I bought it for 70$ now after 4 years it is giving its last breath

I am not sure how long the previous owners used it but when I bought it, it was already in terrible shape...

the new lawn movers are 500-800$ or even more depending on the type, brand etc..

this is an old gas lawn mover...not a one working with a battery...

probably it would be not suited for my large back yard and front yard...

it would run out of juice right away...


last night I was lucky to duck out a migraine attack pew...

although I slept uneasy and I did not wake up very rested...

and today...

I worked a lot..in the garden...

tomorrow if the weather is  good I plan to bike to St. Helens island..

there I usually go and sit on the chairs by the St. Lawrence and watch the old port Montreal

across the river as I eat my sandwich...

usually it takes me around 1-1.5 h to get to there from home...

and I usually try to make it there by the lunch time

depending on when I take out from the home...

if the weather allows probably I would make this nice bike route for the last time this season..

I don't know maybe the last time...if I move to another province,

hopefully finding a suitable job...

normally I ride to Parc La Fontaine on the Montreal Island...

by crossing the bridge Pont- Jacques Cartier climbing it from the St. Helens island..

though if I do that my route becomes a very long and tiring 

my bike is not at its best especially brakes and the gears

so I don't want to push it all the way to there and especially taking up the hills with 

the cranking gears....

so tomorrow I hope to bike to St. Helens Island...

Solemn blues far soldering

Broom mean clues of unbond

To cloak greys 

Bossy scars set proud swan worries

Live sheer joy in sewer keen beautiful queen

Fussy bed crap topples

Thinner against herald raves

Timid for angel hired run torn

Bets his world to a blaze

Leap a rhapsody over

Blow fake blume tragedy

Pit to flames in blames.

                        King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Ajdan28 - Pixabay)


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