tears be content not a content

 Dear Reader,

Today I continued working in the garden, cleared up many pots

and arranged the plants that will go inside during the winter...

also I biked a little bit with my son, if the weather allows tomorrow

we will bike more with him around the town...

rest of the day, I rested and finished one of the books I have been working on...

not my own book..I gave up working on 72 for a long time...

not sure when I would restart it again...its been more than 110 pages

yes for that project I lack motivation...

I am not sure when was the last time I have write anything, to start working again on that I have to read everything I have written so far....

the main reason I stopped doing it is that

I did not want it to end...

I wanted that story to continue...

so I stopped writing it because at the moment

it was a time that I wanted to complete it out of the anger..

so I just leave it to rest for a while...

now as I am writing these words to you I am watching the pale white face of the moon

my living room is completely aligned with the moon

I can watch it from my couch starting from its rising to its setting

especially in Autumn it is very well aligned as the summer proceeds it moves to the right in regard to placement of the house but still I can watch it from the side window...

Some nights especially in winter when the silver maple in my front yard gives dramatic full moon sights 

I do moon bath last couple of days... 


my fool, my soon 

smuggle into my moon

clean, your loom,

seek your light's grace

and Lend my time with a great rhyme

light the embers of embrace

Come run render your mind mender

Fears of sears, tears be content not a content

No I don't give such a vile thing any consent

                                                        King H. Ironson

(Image: from The Alchemical Writings of Edward Kelly 1676 - Translated from Hamburg ed. by Arthur Edward Waite 1893 - A scene representing an alchemical transformation)  


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