thong lair in a love triangle

 Dear Reader,

It was a tiring day for me I had a short interview, tomorrow I have another...

still grinding to find a job...

hopefully, I got returns from jobs that also contribute to society in some form or another

they are trying to find solutions to the problems that we all generated collectively,

hopefully I get one of these jobs...

we will see...

so at the moment my energy levels are very low...

the uneasy feeling is gone...

its blank balance restored

Selected the rust

tinkle tinkle singers

Rome theft lovers

Stop each creed

Stranger to build

Eyes blue

Sank in its hue

Sleek filth twisters

Lone fair queen of who

Burden trash sew watercolors

Red and blue never purple dyers

thong lair in a love triangle

snotted with tears a broken mingle

                            King H. Ironson

(Photograph: mzmatuszewski0 - Pixabay)


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