A sea of words well versed

 Dear Reader,

As you know today is Friday,

our day of "Love"

its our day that we celebrate and give our allegiance to "Love"

the ultimate power which held up universe together....

in regard to Love

we give our humble offerings to Inanna

the oldest known deity of "Love"

as she is reincarnated over an over again

with different names

and walked among us

giving us wings

and shine

today we offer Love our humble environmentally conscious recycled green nude (actually its black and white but in regard to environmental concerns its a green photo, because no new photograph is taken but an old one is used once again...kind of) and a very lousy poem....

A sea of words well versed

fake take reality left low defined

flat slacking fair love killed, lies bleed

thrust weep hence caress's barren red

Sour pencil's shed

Toss the pages night after night for the foul write fines

lays on the lines at each lies, remedy sighs 

Torn of disgraced resistance, search well and wise

to deed love and keep it's flame alive

                                              King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Author - Clarence H. White Erotische Fotografie 1890-1920, Circa 1905)



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