alone thoughts of comedienne

 Dear Reader,

Its been a long working day for me...not working in terms of going to a job...

it was more like preparing for an application to an university position

we will see...unfortunately I don't have too much hope for it but I am applying to it regardless

the thing is that this kind of positions require a great amount of preparation to apply

application documents, I have been preparing for a long time..

I would like to get this over with tonight if I can...

because there is only one document left which is my research proposal

it requires delicate writing and preparation...probably I will not be able to finish it tonight

before righting this evening I took a look at the blog,

it started to pick up some attention, thank you all who are reading these lousy writings

last couple of months my writings turn completely random

just like unconscious pick up the pen

auto pilot, sometimes even I am surprised what I have wrote the night before

tonight I have a great urge to snack but there is nothing to snack on

except tea biscuits but I want something salty...

what kind of snack do you like?

whenever I watch you tube recipe videos or foodie videos, I got hungry

and want to eat something

I made my self Pavlov's Man

its true I conditioned my self to snack after I watch food recipe's or foodie videos

need to get rid of this conditioning.

Less luna tells fake reals extravaganza

dine dire snacks primal camera obscura

success of art fell to endless bonanza

festival of aha gotcha, haha aloha

lair of crazy chair for whom to echo 

wisdom of vista vision in sun

don't fail to auto tune your tale

a driver alone in autobahn 

with alone thoughts of comedienne

and a real life of a tragedienne

                    King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Unknown Photographer - Mme Alla Nazimova and Frank Gillmore in Pierre Wolff’s Comedy “The Marionettes” at the Lyceum Theatre, 1912)



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