Blue like the wove of my words

 Dear Reader,

This was the first day meditating inside again....

as I have mentioned you yesterday that the gazebo is no more

in the backyard and there is no place or furniture I can sit on now

to do my meditation...

of course this does not prevented me to feed the guys living in the backyard...

by guys I mean Marvin, the kids (all the sparrow) and clumsy squirrels

I don't feed Suzy (bunny) but I let the weed (dandelion) in my backyard grow naturally so that she can enjoy eating them...

today the weather was cold anyways so it was time to get back inside

but as you see reader, the change is not easy

you get used to the way the things are, you make your own small ceremonies

and changing them all of a sudden feel's like you are a hot air balloon without an anchor...

you got scared to be carried away by the wind and find yourself lost

don't get me wrong I like change

I don't like stagnation but 

this small changes on what is giving me peace and healing 

its so valuable I don't want to loose it...

so I need to adapt to the new situation and actually I should be 

able to adapt myself doing my meditation where ever I find myself in

all you need is some comfortable place to sit and support your back

some natural light and some fresh air..

inside home I don't have a place that I can call my own..

and I don't want to do this in the basement because I like to feel the sunlight

even though my eyes are closed during the meditation

I can see the light leaking in my mind

and I can feel its lick on my skin...

looking forward for the moving 

I will work more on packing the house this week

its sad but when change comes in your doorstep

you take it.... 

here you go reader a poem for you

Call in  new groove like the one in unexpected fun day's jays

Blue like the wove of my words solemn but all of a sudden softens

be the leavings in between each clause, rake the shavings 

in cluttered past presents, future presents

pave a way to your happy forms in your best frames

send graceful intentions from your ark

each time you walk away each time you talk

let vibrations of suntours flushing your dark

open room to your new now and bloom towards the light be your own spark

take the road to an unknown of your heart don't wait go embark

                                                                       King H. Ironson 

(Photograph: Bayram Musayev - Pexels)

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