dirty talks of giant periods

 Dear Reader,

Today, I have slacked all day, 

I even watched a movie which, I realized that I have watched earlier

but I watched it anyways because my heart just cannot take more war news

so I kept myself busy with other things, I didn't want to see the tragedies today..

the source of all these tragedies is violence.... violence was also born from a violence

there is something in our nature which urges us to get a revenge when we 

receive a negative behaviour or action from others

this urge is from our primal brain

its the urge to protect ourselves, to not show weakness

so that we won't receive any adverse action from others 

to harm of our existence or existence of our offsprings 

reader if we level up we do the same thing for our clan, nation etc...

we look to the things from higher perspectives if we level up

if  really level up higher than this tribal, religious grouping mind

we would protect one another just for the sake of being human...

that would be a very good starting point to address our issues

because we need to even level up more than that 

to save our home

our beloved earth and its contents...

reader we are taught to be afraid of everything and especially of our differences

however these differences we all have made us what we are today

and we need them to push us forward in our story

I won't fake talking eye brows

I lay pot to the grow, sear shame bake, fall in fake memories,

The grow lays to see, she bod vaguely raw bend sister oracles

beers are earnest, low to kaput tall for a mighty fall 

We massacred the sunset for the pale moon bet hall 

fake cruel echantions, a life's infinite versions

you are sad bored grove, leased your love to mentions

you sink alone in gray cloud of tensions

I dream you as "Morphine" Scratch'es my ears with oozing tunes

Morpheus waiting his turn to fuck my Psyche in my dreams 

night creepers lacking your shadows

clingy heaviness explodes a dirty talks of giant periods. 

                                                                              King H. Ironson

(Illustration: Two Faces Kissing, in "Pan. Berlin": F.Fontane & co., 1898 art by Peter Behrens (1868-1940))


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