Ghouls of the dark dame

 Dear Reader,

Probably you might be wondering to read 

another late night piece, no its not this

this is a piece normally I wanted to write but

postponed to open way for Inanna

Today, I have woke up tired,

again midnight creeps came

and in the morning I woke up tired

prepared my kid sent him to school and 

went to backyard to meditate...

I sit and tried to focus and all my efforts

nearly 2 hours no avail...

my steady pace of peace is in pieces

Feel like chained to dead weight and 

dragging it with all this effort

last night in my nightmare 

my kid was having a French nightmare

in the nightmare I brought him in!

He was talking French in his nightmare

and I was not able to relieve him

because I don't know what the fuck he was saying..

I wake up in the middle of the night sweating

it was three thirty three

I drank a glass of water 

tried to turn back into sleep...

it was not a successful attempt

last hour before the alarm

I slept and woke up to the sound 

of the alarm crawling on all fours

today most of the day passed like 

I was floating on the clouds

couldn't focus on anything

so I decided to change the tires of my car

one by one I changed all the tires to the winter tires

another thing is done before winter...

I need some place that is quite and in nature

Forget to mention....

such a weird thing happened today...

when I was sending my kid to school

I usually watch behind him until he crosses the street

where I can see from my driveway and make sure

he crossed the street safely...

as I he went on the curb from driveway 

something fell from my tree to my driveway

it made a big slap sound....

it was one of the squirrel which started to live in one of the holes 

in that tree, 

after it fell, it got up and ran back to the tree and rushed in the hole

I was worried for that stupid squirrel, I hope it didn't break its bones

it hit really hard to the ground...

I don't know how to take care of a sick squirrel 

and don't have money to take it to the vet..

so I was really worried..

I watched for a while in the window to see whether it is going to come out of its hole

and move around...

after some time it get out and move around looking for food

a close call...


Fantasy dooms soft height

enslave gain leaf dime 

shit fear but try

dreamy lair fun bound

bathing in rough words wet inky  

tear their looming roars

fate is not mourning to bitter one

Ball is on fans says come alone

Ghouls of the dark dame

won't come out ever neither today nor tonight

failing me in my fall I conceive as my home

there love is true and minds are free

my time is a moment with a graceful sentiment

                                                          King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Tilde Teldi - author Mario Nunes Vais 1856-1932)


Second time I am using this photograph

but its very beautiful

hopeful and love full


the "mountain" that give the name of Montreal

is not real mountain, its more like small stupid hill! 

This city is a scammer!


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