Land burrough my runes

 Dear Reader,

Tonight air is dense and smoggy....

just like dreams of going to a cabin in the woods

by a red range rover with your lover....

in an unrealized reality 

where as in your reality you are weak and poor 

you dream of pretending to be rich 

a fake life....

your mind build up dreams 

dreams of grandeur 

so that it can keep you in the cell

your own cell

it doesn't even dream of being rich

an enlightenment leading to awakening 

goes through first questioning your reality

and the realities your mind generates...

after a certain time the things you create with your mind

gets attached to you and it will be a great difficulty to cut the cords...

even these things are not doing you any good...

you need to be determined for good

you need to want to change the unreal to real...

ask yourself do I want the cabin and the range rover

or the feeling you will live there with your loved one

even the cabin and red range rover are not yours...

there is a great poem of Omar Khayyam that I like alot

it goes like this...

"Here with a Loaf of Bread beneath the Bough,

A Flask of Wine, a Book of Verse—and Thou

Beside me singing in the Wilderness—

And Wilderness is Paradise now."

(Taken from the book: "Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam" translated into English verse by Edward Fitzgerald and Illustrated by Edmund J. Sullivan)
Omar Khayyam clearly tells us from ages ago what is required to live in the heaven 
in this world when we are still alive...

She hound bumped into shy fresh
Land burrough my runes
Felt like mood, sicked the art thinned shy race
Sensation lasted a hike like hitting a shallow obsolete
a canvas that have a free swimming fish 
and the cardinal wind caught in net as if it was wish!
a poets gift you are in my dish.   
a soul of my fetish swirling in my goblet swish         
                                                    King H. Ironson

(Illustration: Edmund J. Sullivan from the book "Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam" translated into English verse by Edward Fitzgerald and Illustrated by Edmund J. Sullivan, 1859)



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