leaping hearts spat out what you want to say

 Dear Reader,

I will talk about an ancient riddle with you today. Its known as Sator square, 

it contains five latin words "ROTAS", "OPERA", "TENET", "AREPO" and "SATOR"

as you can see from this square I provided you with these words repeat themselves in the square

in different directions...the square can be found in ancient Roman and Byzantine ruins...

It is believed to be a secret symbol used by the early christians to indicate their belief

to the other incognito christians...

although there are other meanings and attributions to this square as well

it is also believed to have magical, healing properties

or attributed to occult groups such as mithra and other unknown esoteric groups

signposts either used by the members or to remind each other the ultimate truth

in an encrypted manner 

R     O     T     A     S

O     P     E     R     A

T     E     N     E     T

A     R     E     P     O

S     A     T     O     R

in my opinion this is the latter one...so this riddle

reminds them of the path to holy truth...

simplified to their date and to their level of understanding

ROTAS: means wheel, it tells of rotation or circular nature of the law

OPERA: means work, service, endeavour, task in latin and tells the pupil to take the path and work on it, because the task does not only work you do for your self its the service you will be giving to others as well

TENET: meaning is to hold, keep, preserve and comprehend, so this one reminds to understand and preserve the esoteric knowledge you will obtain with your hard work and reminds you of your commitment on this knowledge

ARE PO: actually this word is one confused everyone, because there is no latin word as "arepo" how ever  PO means after... so after "ARE"! What is "are" then? This ARE-PO, it must be the "Harpocrates" or "Heru-pa kered" meaning "Horus Child" this is the roman equivalent of Egyptian god Horus. The god of  new born "Sun" each day..this god is the son of ISIS (aka Ishtar or Inanna in Sumerian) and OSIRIS (aka Dumuzid or Tammuz (modern meaning Temmuz = 7th month July god of agriculture, and bound to spend time in underworld every year). So from this information we can speculate that this means the stage of enlightenment with the esoteric knowledge or practice

SATOR: this words means sower, progenitor, seeder...so final stage of the process is to seed the esoteric knowledge further and make sure it lives in the mind of humankind, to transform them in their eternal development journey...

from this stage again a new pupil will take over and the cycle of preservation of the knowledge is attained throughout generations to come....

of course this is my interpretation, 

making spelled strangers reckoning awesome

leaping hearts, spat out what you want to say 

where is your mind's feed to bear don't be fearsome 

laid my light to guide your inner world, word by word, rhyme by rhyme 

                                                                      King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Didgeman - Pixabay)





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