
 Hello Reader,

I wanted to write again, because I forget to tell you Happy Thanksgiving for tomorrow...

Not sure whether you celebrate the thanksgiving with your family or not...

or whether its a thing in your country...

but here its a time people spend time 

with their families...

and I hope you have a great time with your family

and if you are alone where you are at

than I wish you a peaceful and calm thanksgiving

with lots of love and light

Skies howling, breezing and frosting

She plead my fights, in curfew of my morning dew

Tool you'll never have my love for her

The vastness of wasteness will mock your ways

Revere misspell, sill cracked false fell away

there in depths who will sway and fade away

with a great farewell, and your barren mind's bare say 

                                            King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Simon - Pixabay)



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