oh no!... not those nuts....they belong to me...!

 Dear Reader,


yesterday I worked....and when it was time to write 

I skipped....

this morning I had the interview...

if you ask me I did good but not sure on their end..

we will see

today after the interview I was able to do the meditation

but my heart and mind was bursting with energy explosions and thoughts and excitement

like my mood all the birds around the gazebo were like that as well

especially couple of sparrows were pogo dancing on the top of the gazebo

since the gazebo here is basically a frame and a fabric over it, there was a serious 

chirping and squashing, squeaking sounds

high energy...

did the meditation but it took a while to concentrate on reducing my inner voices

the leaves here turned completely 

another reason to go out often...

so beautiful

the love tree (silver maple) in front of my house have two squirrel holes

last year both of them were vacant

this year I saw one of the holes is occupied by a squirrel family...

I increased the nut content of the food I am giving to them...

if I had an ongoing salary probably I would spoil them with all the beautiful nuts

but now since I am broke they eat whatever nut I can eat..

I share my nuts with them...

oh no!... not those nuts....they belong to me...!

now reader

I am listening very good tunes as I am writing this lousy shit to you

for instance now "Dear Prudence" is playing from Siouxsie and the Banshees

(its been a while I am not listening to the music as much

especially after I became unemployed and have to cancel my spotify premium,

its been so frustrating when you cannot listen to that song you want to listen at certain times)

reader sometimes words just flow

just like how sometime the life flows 

you just leave your self to its flow

like a yellow leaf on the side of the road floating by the gushing water 

to be poured down the drain...

yes we will also be drained to death 

one day....

though I made my peace with it already..

because I already died multiple times earlier...

what comes from the earth 

has to return to the earth

that's the way...

although reader as I say to you that I made my peace with death

its not like I am mentioning to you that I am looking forward to it...

I love the life and the lessons it brings...

you make peace with it by 

resolving the fear that the death brings to you, with the thought that its the end of everything

when you comprehend 

only your body is going to die and there is something immortal filling this mortal container

the way you look to the things change... 

no reader, I am affirmative that I am not crazy!

even though many people wanted me to make me feel that I am crazy!

actually I was going to talk about one of the biggest tribulation I have lived in my life

a decade ago and I wanted to mention its resonances up to this date

and how it made me what I am today....

yes I can tell you 5 years ago me 

and me today are very very different...

but different in a good way....

I like my cracks, and broken pieces...

it gave me lots of character...

and more freedom as well

the real freedom....

Then brain stomped, on tune shot loud

A mystery disappeared, herds of melody blout

Man tax many rough few fair

Matching lame, catching bare no fair in tare

A widow thrashed, Joe man ached, Richy cashed   

bumped, thumped left you scammed

many of us stripped left barely alive 

desperation is the new name of our nation

                                                        King H. Ironson

Posing dope found fewery end

Rough there crayon pit crypt

All the passers crept some tripped

No final thrills and turmoils in this blight

Hearts set on blaze, mystify breeze, like the tities of the winters freeze

Blues and reds intertwined and vibrated a purple haze

Words said death is an old fart with nothing to give 

neither this life or to the next life, the end it offers is fake

                                                            King H. Ironson 

(Photograph: Anni Roenkae - Pexels)

Note: Loved this image! If I was not broke I would definitely do donation! It reminded me of H. R. Giger's pieces...I wish I would have one of his pieces in my home or of Joe Coleman's piece both of them are very cool artists!
Oh it reminded me!
buy the books man
I cannot buy peanuts for the squirrels!
and beer for me as well...



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