put Thoth in the focus not in the abacus on the loose

 Dear Reader,

Moon is out again but moved more to the west in the sky

from its summer position...

reader do you get into depression

by simply watching the news?

I do....

we are living in tribal war period I guess..

its unbelievable how media of different tribes of the world promote war from their end

feeding their public with biased news demonizing the opposite part

this is not the sickness of one side 

its the sickness of all sides...

the news tells the "number" of dead, wounded, kidnapped, raped....

they don't tell enough about the horror lived by people

by people themselves and by their loved ones

and these disgusting media compare these numbers to show the success of one side or the other

its such a shame on humanity

all of the sides demonize each other and use that narrative to do horrific things to one another.

as humans we need to learn WAR = TERROR

and I don't think any citizen of any country on the earth knowingly would accept their governments to pursue war if they learn the horror and terror that a widespread war might bring to the world in today's world.

so I believe its the duty of all people who have the common sense

to say no to any war and do their best to inform public

on the horrors and terrors war bring regardless where, why, how...

so reader please be on my side on this and oppose all wars 

and speak up against war in every medium!

Triple modern terrible daily cry

flee a call custom remind for the blue eyes

bricks of wall illuminate scented night

whack sour brags, loose your fright 

you and we are touring the world to share the light

moon's flatter our mind's tales to grow

peer gem words sputtering poems like blossoming flowers

put Thoth in the focus not in the abacus on the loose 

you can't miss the bliss of the inner flame

try your mind will open like natal rose 

in the comedy of life,  

cut that blight, shrunk ode to death which hailers bring 

dearly sit at the sill of reality, freak, broom the faulty ring

strange personage within a passage to light an inner flame spry

a lyric in a story told by the experience's blind eyes

scams pins my wise fallen tower whispering trips of despise

blend bless with her eons to learn, yearn unity, 

try don't fade out the light's of the rights fry

                                                                    King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Scott Webb - Pexels)



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