reborn grateful again

 Dear Reader,

You always get what you give in the end...

no this is not a quote...

we are not aware but what we give in to the world 

will come back to us...

its the same with our relationships with one another...

if you give bullshit around you you will receive bullshit...

if you give wisdom you take back wisdom

wisdom from life lessons...

if you take back one step in your life and look at it like a tourist

like you are a stranger to your self....

than you see yourself and things you have experienced in your life 

in a different view

you clearly see what you gave and what you have received in return...

so if you start your deeds with a good intention without expecting anything in return

you won't receive bad thing in return...

if you have the eyes to see

even in situations that you did good deeds over and over again

but you received rain cloud after rain cloud 

you fell and fell, 

even though you are broken, shattered 

and pull your self up 

find strength to smile back and forgive 

the people who have done these to you

and prayed for them to find their way...

reader if you had done that 

you already won and received your return

because at the point where you are 

you are not reduced to a spec of dust...

you are vibrating radiantly with grace

you learned your lessons

the thing you take back is being at peace 

and your gratitude for the lessons

it grows you in your journey

the experience you will get 

is more valuable than any kind of material gain...

today after I sent my son to school early in the morning I take a look

at myself in the mirror...

I smiled and got shy looking back at myself...

it felt good to look back at myself...

this was a new feeling for me

if you read my earlier entries you would understand why...(coff..self hate issues..)

today is a bright new day...

I feel like reborn again

reader always speak the truth how hard the truth maybe

it will set you free

Ignite them to after matter, grace

burn their tusk to scarlet ember gown

burn their blurs to clarity blooms 

burn their regrets and pains to soft pastel paints

cry their regrets dawned for a false rough cuts

turned you to ashes just to reborn grateful again

specks of dust vibrates with your light in the dark dawn

flickering candles blown to heavy down pour drown

                                                        King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Unknown photographer - Rose Tapely in the "Sign of the Cross" - 1904)



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