Reverie fiskars

 Dear Reader,

Today, I have been working for an upcoming interview, fingers crossed...

job hunting took longer than I expected...

its difficult and in all these process I thought to myself

what kind of further education can I have?

a second Ph.D.?

there is an impression created that there is a great need for skilled workers here

and Canada offers a system to bring skilled workers all around the world 

to come and contribute to Canada's economy...

however main question is: can the new comers utilize their experience directly in the job market here?

from my experience I can tell you that if you have a Canadian education

you will have more chance in the job market...

if you have a higher education such as Ph.D. and Masters degrees than you have some chance

but of course your educational institute where you obtained your degree plays a crucial role...

even the proven experience you gathered in international scientific communities in these degrees might be obsolete

especially if you have an engineering degree or health related degrees or other technical professions

it might be tricky to find high paying jobs exactly on your area...

if you have an health related degree such as medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, nursing and or similar branches basically you cannot perform your occupation unless you start your education all over again..

and if you were an academic than finding a suitable chair is extremely difficult..

especially if you are working on an area that is not very popular or in the highlight

yes unfortunately also in science you have popular branches

how stupid is that! This definition of "popular science" contradicts with the philosophy of science!

how can we compare the values of  the knowledge generated from different branches of science?

if we only consider the practical aspects of the generated knowledge in technology as valuable 

than where that kind of approach would take the scientific endeavor?

if we only focus and budget the branches or areas of science that have practical beneficial aspect to our societies than how these areas will create new knowledge to found upon if the theoretical and basic sciences would not generate knowledge at the same rate of the popular areas?

so reader, if you came to Canada to pursue the Canadian dream

as a very skilled worker you might feel sad when all your dreams crumble to pieces when you come here...

I should also add that the life is extremely expensive here....yes its a very beautiful country

and I am grateful that I feel blessed to call Canada my home

but surviving here is harsh as its winters...

Mastery, menacing slain ache breeds,

Ark a light killing shadows of unclear

Flickering white light emerges in the freeze  

Reverie fiskars psycho, bind clown in burrough

threes, trees and frees lack boundaries of vanity art

magician prestige, glittery weepens, all minds freekens

bold tries, demon cries, buckles filths sicked slaughter it brings

no the song I sing, ping and open a mind to be illuminated 

lights, might clear all that blight to throne the love to be awakened

                                                                    King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Suicazuki - Pixabay)

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