strangers to ourselves and strangers to one another

 Dear Reader,

Today its Friday,

the day we attribute and remember 

with the name of Freitag

in another reincarnation of Venus

its roots is Inanna the god of Love

daughter of sky god and the moon we will beg

Inanna to make the love 

the prevailing force among son's of man

as humanity we all need this more than ever 

Inanna bless all of us with your love

light your flame in all of our hearts

dry the hate and violence among your sons

give them the power to understand one another

Inanna give all of us a heart which is capable 

give all of us a mind which is full of wisdom

heal all of us from the illusion which makes us strangers

strangers to ourselves and strangers to one another

Inanna save us from our false ways, save us from our false selves

                                                King H. Ironson

(Painting: Diana 1879 - Jules Joseph Lefebvre 1834-1912)



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