talking to the walls

 Dear Reader,

I am talking my words to the walls that respond me

yes believe me 

they respond back to me...

the words I say bounce back from the walls

broken and converted to some other words

which I try to conceive a meaning out of them

most of the words reflected and broken came out

blobs of meaningless letter arrangements

I listen to those words as if they were a surrealistic art

farting its brains out to find the real meaning in life

my strife weighs heavy on my shoulders

a life passing by, as I watch the days gloomy

only light within

reader winter is here at the door...

because I didn't made a deal with the snow ploughers

they are coming back at me with incredible deals

but even that I cannot pay...this winter....

so it seems I will shovel the driveway 

and I am feeling sorry for the average Joe

who picked up the terrible deal earlier for the fear of not finding an available snow plougher

because they make you afraid that the price might increase and you cannot find a spot with them...

today I went to shopping to get a couple of supplies paid 80 bucks for handful items

that won't last a week, the situation is pathetic in terms of inflation

I can see that the people who was shopping in the high end markets are also shopping there now

all the faces in the supermarket have anxiety and fear...

that is so understandable....

where will this stop? will it have an end?

how much can my budget could take on this?

pandemic? wars? what else?

what are the odds of thunderbolt hitting the same spot multiple times?

spaced strife priced fallout

fates travail, loves crumb remark

immoral pricing grinding 

loony in brutal betting

compensation swacked

many sends last check-out bin

shit fair comprehend with a dirty compliment

end of a relief condiment total fail out

blights set in

lowlife screen embarkment

harlequin fiesta flood

harsh life ride dire discriminating

lies dance dew demark

                            King H. Ironson

(Photograph: StefanHoffmann - Pixabay)

Note: I don't know anything!
I have been listening to echoes
of the unrequited life
which I wanted

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