Thin the sour winds

 Dear Reader,

Last month and this month the book sales are terrible,

not because that they are any better before

but last week out of 100 or so titles, there are only 8 book sales

ha ha ....

so far this month I am going strong with one book sale

lets see how its going to play out ha ha...

reader, I would appreciate your contribution to this blog

by buying a book I put on the amazon platform,

you can either get my poetry books or any other books I transcribed and made available 

there is a good selection of classics books and a good selection of occult, mystic, philosophy etc. books

check them out from the book section of this blog (the link on the right!)

there you will find a list of book covers, if you press on the book cover it will take you to the sales page of that book, 

most of the books now only available in USA market, some of them are also offered in other market places, 

slowly I am trying to make them available in other countries as well..

Reader, if you already made contribution to me buy buying the books, 

thank you very much and I hope you enjoyed the book...

if you enjoyed the book please also give me good ratings on the sales platform...

thank you very much....

those of you who are following this writing attempt for a long time 

you know that nearly everyday I am writing stuff here

and its free

sometimes I post more than one post a day,

since this blog started on March, 

I am writing with an average 1.3 posts a day last 200 hundred days...

yes there have been some days I didn't wrote..

but this is a huge amount of effort..

I would like to continue to this journey as well

the things I write are pure creations

and it takes a great effort to have it that way...

reader thank you for being here and supporting this journey...

its also ok if your thoughts and ideas are not in alignment with those I that I share here

or if you didn't like my works... thanks to you as well spending time here

Pour a wine from a bull horn to trap a primal mammal

Separately side in side lit man sit in a diverse, verse of  adverse wine

Sending love and light in the words that he pride  

Thin the sour winds, go lavish the new mind detain all the bind

go find your shining eyes with love, say to yourself yes I do deserve an awakened mind

whoever goes and whoever comes only reflects what you shine 

                                                                         King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Manfred Antranias Zimmer - Pixabay)

Note: I see shining eyes full of love.
lightly walking to happiness!


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