a bruise of inner blossom of my foughts

 Dear Reader,

I made poor man's sushi today, 

it was not bad...imitation crab, some cheap smoked salmon, nori, rice, cucumber, carrot, mayo and soy sauce...

of course there is not to much of variety but its ok..

(as I was writing you this, I visited the fridge to snack on 2 of the leftover ones with a generous amount of wasabi yummm)

so..today was a resting day mostly because last night I waked up around 4 am

and couldn't sleep afterwards, so in order to be able to function

I had 1.5 hours of sleep after the breakfast

than I made my meditation by 12 which ended around 1 pm

although because I ate before the meditation it was a very uneasy and unfruitful insight

lately I am not feeling so peaceful like before there is some form of uneasiness

don't get me wrong I have clarity I am not confused, I feel at peace  but not as much as before

there is some form of anxiety 

probably due to waiting the outcome of the interview... and some unresolved intuitive feelings

there are feelings overflowing in my heart...

like I am at the brink of a major life change and it stresses me out greatly...

in my life I know the things that I need to change and I know the consequences of these changes that I need to make

however, even though I am mentally ready for these changes, the conditions and my economical situation is not suitable

and moreover there are many other aspects that I need to consider...

its not easy like thinking the things that you need to do in your mind...

stressful, a great overthinking of the problem in multiple angles and according to multiple people

reader I don't want much

I can be happy with very small things and still be very grateful and content...

the thing is that if you are surrounded with toxicity 

regardless how much walls you build how much boundaries you set

it leaks up in your life..and unhappiness of other people becomes your unhappiness 

sad, you see these toxic behaviours and attitudes

and regardless how much you response back with positivity and try to solve and heal the issues

you see its no avail...

you cannot change people unless they commit themselves to the change 

change is not easy the things that the change brings are not easy as well..

its another battle yet you need to take after the great battle you overcome within...

its easy for one to blame themselves on why they have made the certain choices they made earlier in their life...

but then you think that this was one of the pieces of chain of events which brought you to this moment...

if I have not made those wrong choices I would not be here 

all the terrible things that I have lived, which bleed me, broke me, nearly killed me 

brought me to this moment and became the reason for me to look within 

and heal...

to find my inner peace, to get the chance to meet with my real self

so I am grateful for all those things I experienced earlier 

they made me and they grow me to this moment

I love my scars, I don't cry over them, I am empowered by their experience

anchored to my heart and my thoughts

a bruise of inner blossom of my foughts

no regrets in my oughts, noughts or soughts

I lived what is brought without second thoughts

                                            King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Ulleo - Pixabay)

Note: Crocus is the favorite unintended flower of Hermes...
Accidents do happen!
even for the gods of wisdom..
Maybe later I write a short story for this incident!

Note to self: write story of Krokus, 
write the story of Inanna's drinking game with her father
write story of Psyche,
write the story of Narcissus,
write the story of Tammuz
too many stories
I am feeling tired already
need bottles of wine for this list to finish!


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