a great way to get rid of constipation

 Hello Reader,

After a couple of days of rest here I am....

it felt nice for a while to break up the routine

I want to write but I don't want to write as if it was a duty a daily routine, 

I don't want to loose the joy of it...

so from time to time you need to give yourself a breather

change the routine....than go and do what you were doing earlier with a fresh mind...

Yesterday, it snowed here and its the second time this year...

a couple of days ago in the last week  of  October it snowed again

but so little and it did not stay on the  ground...

this time it snowed for real...

so I have opened the winter season by my traditional bare feet walk on the fresh snow

bro its cold.........

it immediately helped me with my constipation!

Home to psychotic break hoe show,

weep night falls, bloom down dark, 

love light his way as he row,

woe the left graces without wings without mark

Shouted no fuel for creeping egos, go blow

unfair and unreal loves, with the right actions lack

fake fire is the constipation in walking bare feet on the snow 

without regrets, without futile hopes smack

travel free in light heart, journey with clear mind go grow

                                                    King H. Ironson

(Photograph: King H. Ironson)


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