because you can only create magic either by words or by lines

 Dear Reader,

I will start with a sorry because its dark and I don't know where my glasses are at

so I may do more writing errors than the usual deal

obviously I don't give a fuck on such minor details 

you should know by now...

just occurred to me the meaning I should devise from 

all this experiences we face 

why deep purple

why child in time?

as you may know 

Crocus sativa the plant you obtain the saffron from

most delicate flower in purple color

mixture of red and blue


highest energy of the light occuring in UV. - Vis. range of electromagnetic radiation!

higher frequency than the other colors of light

Hermes Trismegistus's favorite plant

favorite color....

you may not know but

good stories of God reiterate again and again 

in time

all these stories we saw and make us remember

tells us that "everything that we have lived and experienced

happened before and they will happen once again"

just like I wrote in the introduction of my first book !

maybe you can relate reader

sometimes we see things that we push deep down

things that needed to be let out

manifested all around us

regardless of the choices we made to steer away from these

they pop out everywhere

and the destination we set on our journey sometimes

cannot be our final destination

so the real question is whether we have a free will if we are destined for something?

what I am trying to say is complete madness?

if we consider every possible alternate reality is possible in alternate parallel universes?

or if we consider everything is possible....(just like my mom told me when I was little.."....nothing is impossible! as long as you believe it !.. it will become real..."

than in grand scheme of things we don't have a "free will"

because every possible thing is already set into stone...

considering all the possible scenarios


no i didn't smoked weed....its been a while...

and I have to add I am not drunk as well

so... maybe in one reality I am at Redwood forest naked with blue under a full moon

making love on the massive tree stomps

and next morning we are placing two tennis balls next to one another under a giant Sequoiadendron giganteum 

a dream made up from the song of the Handsome Family...

whatever I listened up you heard stories 

maybe it was all in my mind in the end

just like the stories of rain

initiated by the Fleetwood Mac song Chain....

I made it up and called it real

reader as you see

writing is madness

I remember one day my dad (when he was alive) saying that why he gave up painting when he was really successful and promoted by his professors when he was in the academy of fine arts 

we were talking before the painting he made when he was a student in my Grandparents home

he said "look at this painting, its much more than to it as the painting you see...its madness"

"when you look into details with your heart and soul, you loose it's majesty..."

"I scared that I could loose my mind if I selected painting as a path in my life..."

the painting we were  talking was an oil painting among others  is the painting of a nude woman bathing in a copper basin.....

with weird light and expression of gloom and bitterness of absence...

since my grandparents passed away this painting is in my mom's house...

once I get back to my country it will be the first thing I will bring back

and as of writing yes its madness when you see and feel with your heart and try to write those things you feel out of thin air like a crazy men...

maybe making no sense to anyone...

I don't think I can ever give up writing regardless of how stupid or lousy it may be

regardless of which language I write

or regardless how crazy the things I might write

because you can only create magic

either by words, by lines

or by notes...

(Painting: Nu au Tub - 1903, Pierre Bonnard 1867-1947)

Note: I break the silence with some
tunes, just to let you know...

I combed the words which reside in my unlived life
Filled with sounds which I can't hear 
but I know the lyrics of the blues song 
playing cheerfully and sadly
just like the bitter sweetness of life
                                    King H. Ironson



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