
Dear Reader,

Today I give you my take of the story of Hermes and Crocus....

 Crocus was a beautiful girl....She had pale white skin

and deep blue eyes...

her black long hair felled upon her shoulder 

wavy like a stormy sea scene

she had the reddest ruby lips

one look of Crocus might get you in a serious heart attack

Aside her beauty she was a regular villager....

She was on her prime....and she had many suitors from her village and 

from the neighboring villages

many young lads tried to hit on her

but Crocus was a mischievous girl just like Calypso is

she played games with these suitors and in the end made them go crazy

with each attention she receives from the young studs...

just like Narcissus looking back to his reflection from the pond...

Crocus became arrogant and prideful...

there are many suitors around her...but out of all these options Crocus 

choose to flirt with them all but only to make them left with a broken heart...

all the lads followed her game to the bitter end....

the other young girls in the village and the neighboring villages were so jealous of the attention Crocus receiving from the lads...

all of the other girls were gossipping about Crocus and how she made all the young lads fall in love with her...

they all agree that Crocus was a cold hearted bitch...

because they know how she made the guys fell in love with her by flirting with them and acting sweet and interested at the first time they meet with her

than Crocus slowly cut the attention and sweetness instead making them jealous and crazy by showing attention to other lads.. 

Crocus also gave small bread crumbs for the lads in the hook

so that they are left hooked to her...

the poor lads begged and gave their all to receive a small bit of attention from the Crocus....

Crocus was a cold black hearted bitch....her prayers were all for Athena...(this god later will be named as Minerva by the Romans') 

the other girls of the village and neighboring villages were so angry to Crocus 

because she was ruining all the available groom candidates for them

most of the lads whom Crocus stopped playing became like living deads...

some of them loose their mind and some of them take their own life 

out of desperation...

one day all the girls in village and from the neighboring villages gathered together and decided to plot to get rid of Crocus...

they think if they will be able to show the arrogance of Crocus to the gods, than they can punish her once and for all..

so they have decided to pray Zeus with complaints to get rid of Crocus because she is taking all the young man and making them desolate

if they all prayed on the same thing maybe the great god Zeus would hear their cries and help them

so they all prayed Zeus for about a month every day altogether crying for him to get rid of Crocus...

In Olympus all this praying and crying of the mortals gave Zeus an unbearable inconvenience...

he just wanted to shut all these mumblings related to a mortal called Crocus

what kind of a dark hearted bitch is she? making all these mortals cry and making the Great Zeus's ears itch from all these never ending cries...

Zeus got so angry and called Hermes the great messenger and wisest of the gods to solve this issue

he said to Hermes....

"Hermes, the greatest messenger and wisest of Olympus, there is a mortal called Crocus...all the other mortal's are complaining about...."

"they are crying day over night ....they tell that this mortal is taking up all the mortal young man and making them obsolete..."

"they cry to me that no man is left for them to mate..."

"Oh.. wise Hermes...only you can go there in a jiff and solve this inconvenience among the mortals...."

"Please give balance to this situation with your wisdom and Please give me a peace of mind free from this cries mumbling in my ear all the time...."

"I don't want to destroy these villages nor these mortals with my wrath....until now they were good subjects to me...!"

Hermes, responded..."Zeus the mightiest of them all...yes I will go and learn this issue all at once then I will solve this issue by teaching Love to this mortal....don't worry..."

Hermes flied right to the entrance of the village...

there in a barn he hide and turned himself into a mortal handsome young men 

he walked in the village

at the time all the young girls of the village and the neighboring village were again gathered together

just to talk what else they can do to get rid of the Crocus because they thought that Zeus didn't heard all of their prayers...

as they were talking and discussing one another for what they should do...

Hermes entered the village in the disguise of a young handsome lad....

his godly gifts like wings on the shoes and helmet were missing...

all the girls fell in love with him instantly....

he walked straightly to Crocus whom was laying on the grass next to the big old tree by the pond 

on the other end of the village....

Crocus was holding a daisy and plucking it and chanting...he loves me, other one loves me to...that one too...

Hermes walked slowly without Crocus realizing next to her...

he came by her and said "ohoom..." and coughed...

unaware Crocus jumped in her place.....

and saw the young handsome man....

she liked him immediately...and felt an unexplainable feeling in her heart...

it felt like her heart get a set of wings just like the shoes of the great messenger god Hermes...

her belly was at butterflies were flying

she had an instant crush....

Hermes also liked Crocus a lot...he immediately understood why all the young man fell for the pure natural beauty...

but unfortunately he was not aware what she was doing to them...

Hermes said..."Oh fair lady Crocus...I have heard your fame from far away and took a long journey to come to see you with my own eyes...."

continued "you are much more fair and beautiful than what they tell about you...."

"is it possible that you may be a fair goddess?"

Crocus replied winking to Hermes with all of her charm "Strong handsome lad...What is your name?...I have not seen anyone like you men is like you...."

Hermes, made up a name and said it to Crocus....

Crocus flirted with Hermes...however unfortunately she did not know how to play the love game

she only knew how to tease and break hearts... So she did the best thing she knew to Hermes...

"Playing games with his heart"

as all of this was happening all the other girls saw the situation and got mad again...

all of those prayers are for nothing...all the girls were cursing to Zeus and complaining on how incompetent god that he is...

Zeus heard them all and angered with fury...

He called the Corone, the Crow of Athena....

Corone came next to Zeus...

Zeus ordered Corone to fly to the village and carry the big gem with its claws to there...

with this gem he will be able to hear and see what is going on around there better...

So Corone fly to the village with the gem that works as eyes and ears for Zeus...

holding the large and heavy gem in its claws, it flies rapidly to the village

during these were happening Hermes was trying to teach sense to Crocus...

and trying to change her ways... and trying to teach her how to give and receive Love...

of course Crocus was seeing a handsome guy "Hermes" but she was not able to see 

real Hermes in front of her with his Caduceus trying to heal her with his wisdom...

Hermes raised his Caduceus above Crocus's head and was healing her

At the time Corone was flying on top of them with the large gem...

the furious girls in the village whom lost the hope to their prayers to Zeus, decide to take the matter in their hands and they rush to the pasture

with thick sticks, stones and rocks in hand...

some of them throwing stones...

one stone hit to Corone flying above and made it drop the big crystal given to it by the Zeus...

godly crystal fells right underneath the feet of Hermes

and made him loose his balance

he hits the Caduceus to the head of Crocus....

and it split opens her head....

she dies instantaneously...

Hermes.... got so sorry that this unfortunate event has happened....

to this beautiful girl who was learning the Love for the first time

in her mortal life...

all that blood on her blue eyes turned to purple color and splashes of blood were on her face...

He decides to make this mortal live over and over again 

immortalized in a beautiful delicate flower....

he wanted her to remind him an immortal spring

a flower with purple eyes and red splashes on her face...

he take the eyes and made them the ligules of this beautiful flower...

and the blood splashes on her face and made them stigmas of the flower with a delicate taste...

her pale white body made from Moon's light he made a bulb for this flower

and buried it in the soil....

so every spring she can come to life again...

So every spring Crocus blossomed

from where she was buried

and girls of the village come there to collect the red stigma of this delicate flower

every spring...

just to make a delicate spice for the food they cooked to their lover...

the girls learned that when they use this spice

in the food they serve to their lover 

they know that their lover also would give their hearts to them in return....  

(Photograph: Xtendo - Pixabay)

Note: didn't read it for errors might be full of errors sorry



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