flock muck duck you rock

 Dear Reader,

A stupid poem...

I don't know what to write tonight

maybe tomorrow...

go catch fish...

(I am fish in my whorescope :) )

see...reader I just mumble humble and 

spit out stupid word combinations

that can offend or that might be conceived as misogynistic

although I am not a misogynist

I can be conceived that way (even I write this like if I care?)

if I continue to write these stupid word games

but that is what my brain is serving today

sorry... I don't intend to mean the means that could be conceived 

from these word combinations

its just like I am having a brain diarrhea of words

read my poem and understand my condition

probably I will lock myself in the North tower (being number 100, aka my throne!) this week

i will reflect on my words and try to get out these unacceptable word combinations

safely outside the public view before I cause a further public flatulence

funny now few fall for fool's fated famous fiery fun

folks this feat is fair for failed fanthom's frown

fuck the f's.... far from finishing fishing for fact

fish fish fish flee or fry 

you are on my pan in my wish

hey freak don't make me bleak

fish fries need flour

fools need a fancy feast

forty four filthy facade fallout

I see forever freedom fantasy in your fortune

not fake freedom

freedom flower (this "f" thing is probably somebody else's words! definitely not mine! I don't know what possessed me?)


flock muck duck you rock

give me some luck don't suck

struck a light and sprinkle some green buck

shock the schmuck sunstruck

as a punk I don't give a fuck

if you tuck your cover or if you rock my winter

                                King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Couleur - Pixabay)


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