great mind's mansions and heart's sanctions

 Dear Reader,

Tonight is a Friday night and we have a beautiful weather and a visible moon

not yet full moon but she is getting there slowly....

tonight like all Friday nights we celebrate 

the running force of the universe 


some try to find it in their heart and soul 

and some try to find it in material things

some reach to it and blessed with wings

some never find it and burned with heavy burdens

of course reader don't get your advises on serious things like love

from some stranger whom you don't want to be in their shoes...

get it from someone you would like to be in their shoes...

but get it from the heart 

not from the wallet

of course if you can or if you are capable of getting love to begin with...

I wish to everyone that at least once in their life 

they can experience "Love" ....

I know if they experience it

they will spread it to their surroundings

and become a more gentle humans

gentle in their actions and gentle in their life

today we sacrifice a poem and an old black and white nude (reused again, we are not taking new nude pics  in order to reduce our carbon footprint!)

for Love and in honor of Inanna....

roads lead to roads, passing views blue churches, flaggs, trees and skies

small towns depressive times, cries, tries, lies, feces, faces with tears and hopes 

all that is missing in the picture is fake takes oh for god's sakes, give me brakes

speed limits fines with blues escapes, traps taps, in try for new shots with rhymes

great to hears, understandings, delusions in great mind's mansions and heart's sanctions

love is greater than dopes, it copes with lies and false hopes; flies like innocent doves under blue skies

when all is lost, even it bleeds and even smirked with dirt it stands tall and gracefully shines

                                                                                                                        King H. Ironson 

(Photograph: Sasha Stone (1895-1940) Nude from Sasha Stone's book Femmes, Paris, Arts & Métiers graphiques, 1933)

Luck on wings 
come visit King's
piss on all the things
bring him earnings
end all lyings
hearten blues singings
make us good beings
eternal love springs
give me all my wishings 
seven glad tidings
seven glad beginnings
seven glad risings
                    King H. Ironson


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