imagination fills the hearts void

 Hello Reader,

Today I drove my son to his friends birthday party, 

it was some laser tag game center far away from our house

approximately 30 minute drive...

So I left him and picked him up 3 hours later...

considering I drove approximately 2h for this

because I didn't want to wait there or spend time at the mall close by

I am not very fond of spending time at the mall..

it depresses me I don't know why...

the idea of having fun at mall feels like "the joy of a person's life reduced to buying more stuff that gives you a thrill for a brief second and than you forget the item you bought among many other items you horde before" it feels pathetic, low, pityfull...

but I can tell you that I greatly enjoy garage sales or second hand shops, flea markets or liquidation stores...

they are full of treasures....and most of the times you buy things that have a soul in them

sometimes good souls, sometimes bad souls

regardless you cannot say that the items that you buy from these places don't have a story

and another thing is that every time you get in to those stores there is a new exploration 

and the thrill of finding something exciting....

in Ontario at the city I used to live earlier 

there was this liquidator which liquidates hotel furniture...

I found the "blue" there...and bought it for 10$

among many other paintings I liked this painting a lot...

than I found similar other paintings three more

but none were like the blue

Blue was single white flower in a murky blue background

it was a very simple painting but it has now have a sentimental value for me

because it always reminds me what a wild imagination I have...

I always dreamed about what kind of things "Blue" has witnessed

in the hotel room it has been hanged...

lovers making love, a night of a business man, a family on vacation, grinding of the house keeping worker, a mice occupying the room, silence of the walls....

so as you can understand

she is not a regular painting like the ones that are hanged in the galleries...

so reader this picture which I named Blue

keeps me sane 

I talk with her through my mind...

and she looks fucking good on an orange colored wall

or she would look really good in any other colored wall

so far I experienced to watch her on white and gray...

she anchors me to what many call real

but she also follows me in my journey to other reals

imagination fills the hearts void

association kills the worries creep

find love lores to link

sentiently burrough shun and pain

she will keep you sane under a heavy rain

as I watch fading of my blood stain

dripped on my back where once my wings were lain

                                                                        King H. Ironson

(Photograph: King H. Ironson)



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