Logic grooming something abiding

 Dear Reader,

What a rainy night?

If you are still moving when your sails are completely down

than it means there is another force beneath your mortal body...

something light something made right...

to heal yourself sometimes all you got to do is to do one thing right

don't get me wrong, I am not trying to portray a character that 

does not have any faults, or whom get everything right...

no actually I am just the opposite...  

until now in my journey, I made lots and lots  of mistakes

and the things that I learned with each mistake made me who I am now

one of the greatest lesson that I learned from my greatest mistake is to love myself more

and protect myself from the people who try to drain me..... 

drain me out from my joy and my life energy without giving me anything in return...

yeah yeah yeah

I am not going to talk more deep shit...

you can drown in anything you wish...

select your own poison that is life...

unless if you stop wanting to select the poison or decide to stop poisoning yourself

that you choose to make your only poison...(anything in excess is poison...!, not making decisions and selections because it might give you problems is also a poison....balance....remove excess!...make moderation King!)

Remember, in the end regardless of whatever you choose if its not going to be in your story

it does not stay in your life...

life has a means of autocorrection which takes you slowly and surely where 

you need to be...

that is what I started to believe...

yes you make some selections and choices in your life

you make choices mostly with the intention to obtain the things you really want

or chooses you made out of stupidity

if something is not for you 

it makes you stumble nothing goes according to your expectations and plans

regardless how much you push towards...

if its not something you supposed to do...

you would not receive the expected outcome out of that thing...

Blind shoes takes you loathing 

Logic grooming something abiding 

keeping your soul away from feeling

bind shoes makes you faltering

                    King H. Ironson

grey face without grace

tease maze lease trace

fierce lace craze nuance

seduce menace pink lipstick sauce

                    King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Alex Fu - Pexels)

Note: just read and updated this entry
what a lousy writing...
last night I really blobbed this out..


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