love flows golden in high vibration beam

Dear Reader,

It was a white morning today, there was snow on the ground but not too much...

winter is here,

I felt good today during the morning...kind of light

even though it was not a bright sunny day...

but my mood was better 

acceptance on every level..

now and the moment...

the only focus should be there

even during my meditation 

sun shined to my face...

I felt it even when my eyes were close

it was majestic

its very lovely to feel the sun on your head while you are doing meditation

when I was doing my meditation in the garden under the gazebo

sun came from my back and hit to my neck and head

but now since I am doing my meditation inside on the couch 

the sun hits me from the left...

and when my eyes are open I see the scenery which I use on the blog

that is the skyline I watch the moon in this house...

only for a brief amount of time light filled me in...

it was peaceful and serene 

so I started my day happy and with feeling of light

by light I mean bright and feather like...

my day proceed with a good breakfast some job applications

and house work...(tidying up for the realtor.. as well as slowly packing up..)

later on my son came and we head for the computer shop...

to get the remaining items...

you have to see his made my day even brighter 

we get the last two items and then we initiated setting of the Christmas tree as a request of my son...

I was postponing it last couple of days...

me "old grinch" 

"grinch" meaning "fart" this time...

we put up the tree but lights are gone so I have to get some lights

no... its not the fuse...there are couple of burnt bulbs which I cannot replace

because I don't have the spare ones...

reader this summer my old sages which I was growing inside the house for the last 2 years died

but I grow new ones from its branches in a new blue ceramic pot...

this summer I kept the new kid (sage) outside and it became a huge sage

now its inside...

her mom/dad died of old age (or at least I want to think that way)...I did everything to save it but to no avail...

its the law of nature...

macabre black mages rein murky

scrape scar goth fake mortal's faint lust

light magician rhyme's mystic healing scream

leave self to its purple haze, trust

love flows golden in high vibration beam

                                            King H. Ironson 

(Illustration: Illustration on the title page of Historia Mundi Naturalis, Plinii Secundi 1582)

Black Lack Begone
Light Blight Right
Luck's Might
King H. Ironson



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