my rational proem to a magical rite

 Dear Reader,

Today is Friday, 

today is the day we show our affection

and allegiance to Love...

and it's deities known through out time

we utter the name of the oldest of them as we know of  today


we salute you and your reincarnations through our story

we are your humble servants

here we offer you our humble gifts

a lousy poem and a recycled environmentally conscious nude

bless us with your LOVE...

give us wings and hearts to conceive your 


Retreat my rational proem to a magical rite

reject a life under a black tone, echo's of black days sinked

touche of an ocean of emotion, of regret wished

ain't lush of sin is fair mean heed of light gained

bid the rational made of love true from the hearts red

lacking fear, loath, bare bone stripped

in tears of new life unveiled in bright glowed

brought and paved on your path to be initiated

                                               King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Alfed Stieglitz & Clarence H. White 1907)

this is an ode
to the one's
who lost
their ways
in their mind's 


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