reasons say no, seasons say go

 Dear Reader,

Today I am writing here because its a promise I gave to myself

as much as I can I do

sometimes there is not enough energy or any motivation to write

in times like those I just stop for a while

give it a rest,,,

reader...last couple of days I have been malting barley and wheat at home...

its because i will attempt to make my own beer out of nothing

things at home...

no special yeasts no funky extracts

just like the old days...

I wonder how it will turn out...

so I started with the malt...

I sprouted barley and wheat for 2 day

now today I am drying them 

tomorrow I will bake them for a while to toast them

later I will grind them together with further wheat, barley and oats

 and will start mashing process

I am planning to put dry coriander, linden, sage and cedar leaf  instead of hops

if I don't get poisoned in the end I will let you know of the taste :)

don't worry I know what I am doing.. ha ha

never made beer before

if I can accomplish this 

it will be free booze for life time....

next project is home wine....

its been while I have not bought wine...

winter is here its red wine time...but I got no mulla :(

Napping bolted tears, witnessed trinkled bands

high frequency rides rough riffe's haze

reasons say no, seasons say go

fear of age, sage of high standing, read frost

envelope of hope hanged with dope greed of grue gaze

pity raids rarity loom trapped in tear room

waged arts raged rats seats meats feats

fools sonnet mentioned release the kraken! 

                                   King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Igorovsyannykov - Pixabay)



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