Sky blue leach flake colour

 Dear Reader,

Today was a very depressing day....

not because I am depressed, I can tell its more of an anxiety I have at the moment

instead of depression....but I was trying to mention the weather...

it was dark gloomy and very heavy...I am sure many people are depressed today at work...

I started the day with headache...even when I was doing my meditation 

it was painful to breath felt good to breath in....

so pain was my company....after my meditation I forced myself to eat something

a wrap made with feta cheese, tomato, cucumber, spring onion and parsley...

than I gulped my pain killer for my headache....

it was not migraine, but it was strong...probably I had sinuses filled up

giving me an heavy head and pain...for more than a year I didn't had a haircut

now my hair is over my shoulders... and it gives me all kind of headaches

when I think of going to hairdresser for a total reminds me of the song of 

Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young's "Almost cut my hair"

than I change my mind.

after I took the painkiller it took half an hour to kick in...

so I laid down and tried not to puke...

afterwards, I did the things that needs to be done...

shopping and other stuff...

went to costco...

I can't believe how every hour this shop is very crowded...

like everybody is "working from home" 

I don't think everyone is unemployed like me...

anyways...after shopping I waited for my sun (son) to arrive from school

than we ordered his computer

"a big punch in the gut"

I am on my knees

but his joy and happiness gave me power to stand up and 

enjoy with him...

focus on joy and happiness regardless all the gloom, darkness and calamities 

try to be light 

and enlighten other peoples days 

even if yours is under shadows of the pain. 

Sane Speech arc fur 

Seldom reach ache blur

Snow reach fake amour

Savour each lake hour

Sky blue leach flake colour

Sly pastel peach cake tumour

Sour game lies, preach love psyche valour 

                                   King H. Ironson

(Photograph: 11708734 - Pixabay)

Suck Fuck Muck
Come get me 
Schluck, Tuck, Crack
Luck, Luck, Luck
Pluck Duck Punk
Quack, Vak, Quack
Luck, Luck, Luck
                                                                                       King H. Ironson                             


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