we should all gather around love's serenity

 Dear Reader,

I planned to take a rest for couple of days but its already Friday

so what the hell maybe in the weekend I will give myself some 

time free from writing...

day follow one another very quickly, I didn't understand

how we arrived to Thursday this week..

my heart is broken and heavy for all the terrors of war

regardless of the sides innocent people are dying

families are being separated and worst of all

children are dying

how one can rationalize killing of children, women, elderly, civilians?

regardless of who they are regardless of which religion, which nationality they are 

this is not acceptable, this is a crime to humanity !

how can we be so cruel to one another?

how can we breed this much of hatred to one another?

What is the reason? a piece of soil?

or misconception of beliefs?

Why? How can we humiliate one another this easily and conceive one another as a lower?

Didn't we learned lessons from the great wars? 

from the genocides and crimes committed then?

these cruelty we are experiencing at this age 

where the borders of the countries are reduced to dust

when the technology brought all of humans in any part of the world

connected with one another....

in a time when people started to see their brothers and sisters

on the other end of the world are not different from one them

we all carry a precious life, we all want to protect our loved ones

and all we want is that our basic needs met and a peaceful life...

we all have the moral obligation to say no to war 

in any form or in any reason 

leaks of humanity masking for pity

how violence can resolve this calamity

war's insanity devours civilization's dignity

live horrors of atrocity tears of heart's nobility

we should all gather around love's serenity

make peace your priority, shame brutality and hostility

                                                               King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Luis Quintero - Pexels)



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