bounced pit failed and ended in a delurient cell

 Dear Reader,

Free fall words flow through my hands tonight

what you will read will be the outpour of whatever

passes through my head as I do What do I ever do I will follow

my thoughts in word form on this artificial white plain screen 

the words will appear black letters one at a time I will follow them

so don't expect any grammar what is grammar anyways

you can do your magic the way you want there is no rules

you can  create anything out of nothing and thought is the initial spark

for that...can you ask a painter if there is rules for making a painting is there any laws 

governing how you should paint? What ever you spat out is your magic...

red flags in words or paintings does not matter, the song I listen to now tells a story about Spanish punks...which take me to ages ago when I was travelling in Europe and when I was at Spain...

I love that was one of my best stops...especially Barcelona...another place I loved there was the Cadiz...

it was the first place I put my feet inside the Atlantic Ocean....

it was the first place I learned how serious is a tide 

especially when you decide to sleep on the beach with your sleeping bag...

yes it was a great and my friend ....we came to Cadiz that day via train it was around midday since we know there is beach and we can sleep there

we hired lockers and left our large camping backpacks there but to our small daily bags we get our sleeping bags and foam mattress only with us

ready for time to spend out


till the morning

than we discovered all the city on around 4-5 we started to get hungary (not poland) ;)

so we find this place by the beach which sells freshly fried calamari by the kilogram for peanuts money so we get one kg calamari 

and headed for another shop where we got one bottle of litre wines (the cheapest one) for each one of us 

than headed directly to the beach

it was like heading up to heaven....

we took our shoes out on the thin sands that are still hot from the midday sun

reader I like to burry my feet inside the sand when I got the chance

if my feet finds a beach with sand

just like a crab

they slowly burry themselves in the sand...

that is the greatest feeling ever...I don't know why but when I said this to you

it made me cry a little bit

it must be some distant memory that bleed me greatly

so when you have your feet running free on nice sand...

and have great food and when you are free and made of nothing

possibilities are endless...

you are not chained to anything that drags you down...

I ran towards the ocean and played with the waves

there were couple of groups of people left on the beach

we made ourselves a comfortable spot on the beach

where we can eat our calamari and drink our


at the time there were no cellphones or mp3 players 

only walkmans or discmans if you are lucky for the music...

but poor travellers like ourselves it was a big luxury 

because you need to have batteries which run out very fast

and in addition you need to carry the cd's or cassettes...

I cannot recall if I had my music with me than

but I remember the back pack we carry had all the clothes

and necessary items for travelling Europe for a month on extreme low budget

so there was not so much spot for that kind of luxury

probably I only stayed 3-4 nights with roof over my head in one month 

in that trip...

so we were sleeping on the beaches (dans les cote d'azure, barcelona, spain, cinqua terra etc.), parks, train stations, church yards etc.

"when they kick out your front door...."

the guns of brixton is playing now from the clash

great song 

so  we set our place 

opened up the mattresses and than started munching out the calamari

since my swiss knife does not have a wine opener 

the way we open the wine is to push the cork in

with the small philips driver head of the swiss knife

I had that knife everywhere I have travelled to

its still with me

the way you do is 

that you push it until some point with the knife

than the remaining part you push the cork down with your index finger

it usually ends with a splash of wine in your face but you have an open bottle of wine in the end

drinking the white bunnies one at a time at the moment

I love this beer, I wish the one I try to make comes out good as this one

it would be such a bliss

free good beer for life

although it was a really labor intensive process

I put them in the jars down in the basement they are bubbling away in the jars

yes I got beers

yesterday I couldn't resist the urge to get some and drink some

last evening I drank only two cans now tonight I am planning to drink the remaining 10 cans

and get really hammered

give me danger 

little stranger

and ......kiss me like the ocean breeze

another great song by The Stooges

(my song list is great tonight...its been awhile I have not been listening songs from spotify)

ads. killed my mood to listen to music

no money no privilege to listen to good music without ads

maybe I will spin a record

maybe I will spin Morphine

maybe Lucinda Williams


maybe, not

I want to roll a joint actually

when I read the last sentence I saw it curved 

maybe my eyes are getting terrible

need to see an eye doctor

but I can't 

anyways...where were we left 

we settled down, opened the huge cone of fried calamari

and wine bottles

the wine was nice but it was hot as the morning piss

I decided to close the lights and the tv

it was so bright

and all I want to focus now is the screen where I write these words 

for you to read and the cozy warm light of the christmas tree 

its fake plastic body presents a shiny and inviting light

when the lights are closed

and all these lights shining from the ornaments reflect upon the "blue"

the painting on the orange wall

and gives you a fuzzy and happy feeling

like you really belong to somewhere

its a made up thing but it feels good

so the lights are dim now reader

its romantic and 

slowly I am being hammered...

I don't know when this piece will end

maybe it might be the longest nonsense

I write to you...

we started sucking on the spanish red grape piss

and munching on the crunchy calamari 

the sun was setting 

young people gathered in distance

they were playing guitar, singing, drinking and laughing

it was the moment...

the moments you will remember

in your dark days

dark days 

you knit dark days and than you decide to wear them on

after some time we joined these people

partying on the beach

we danced and tried to sing songs we don't know

we laughed with them not understanding what the joke was about

we raised our bottles and drank for a happy life

after a while they left

we were left alone on the beach with my friend

so we sat a little bit more and finished our wine

opened our sleeping bags and put our remaining belongings to our small daily backpacks

to make a pillow and slept under the stars with the sounds of the waves

later on I wake up with feeling of wetness on my feet

yes they were wet

I was drunk

and I can still recognize my feet are wet

my mouth was burning with fire out of thirst and it was as dry as an Andalusian desert

but my fucking feets were wet

what the fuck it could be

yes it was the sea

the time we slept the sea was faaaaaaaaaaar away

but it crept slowly to sleep with us

we wake up in a rush in the middle of the night 

I believe it must be around midnight 

and slept the remaining hours way up in the beach next to the retaining wall


"but I only in you I'm complete

Gloria in te domine

Gloria exultate"

another great song from U2

next morning we headed up to train station with a great hangover

but with smiles on our faces

sleeping uneasy on the beach and changing places in the middle of the night had

the toll on us

our long hairs were full of thin sand 

I realized this as we were taking a metro run when I scratch my hair

stuff starting fall on the ground which was even visible from the seat across 

where a beautiful spanish girl was sitting

and made her give a smile

I smiled back...

she and her friend gigled

we talked with my friend and laughed to our misery....

it was freedom...

like waking up in a ditch and seeing the glory of the rising sun

in a park of a crowded city where people are bound to work and wasting 

their single life on their suspended real misery 

when we reach to the train station we took the train to madrid

where we again locked the bags in the locker and walked all day in the city 

and take tour of the national art museum of madrid

after all this walk we take a rest in the park where I took out my sketch book 

under the shade of a tree and started doodling the love

i left back home....

all the time you have something going on you always go back

and look familiar miseries so that you don't feel like a foreigner in your current misery

I guess this is one of the default misery programs we have to prevent us being completely in the moment

actually I remember there were many interesting infinite number of details around

a pond with a horde of fish which attack to the dropped sandwich by a toddler, lazy birds hiding under the shade, gossiping spanish old farts, a lady with long bronze legs, two lovers kissing sitting next to the pond, a man picking up his camera which he dropped to the ground, american tourists looking to the map and trying to figure out the place of the national art museum which they were standing right infront, a spanish couple fighting as they walk through the pathways, a bee collecting nectar of the pink roses on the side of the park, a group of young Spaniard crossing the street to reach the park with a great cloud of noise, a cloud in the shape of an eye approaching to shadow the sun, an ant climbing to my leg, a man stumbling down the stairs and nearly missing a fall on the stairs of the museum, my friend draining the last drops of water down to his head under the shade of the tree next to me....

and all these infinite number of details

I was forcing myself into a made up misery

made up by my mind...

now I am forcing myself into my old moments where I was forcibly taking myself into misery

what kind of fart is this

reader did you get my point

because I have no idea if this is a point or a line that I am making?

sometimes thoughts take you some place 

and you cannot be aware where you are being taken too

everytime you try this if you are lucky you can be taken to an old glorious memory

if you have many of them

I guess I can tell you that I do have

but I cannot tell the same thing for the last 10 years of my life

it can be recalled as a black blanket of misery

only light I have is the existence of my son

which makes me capable of taking the next step every day

bounced pit failed and ended in a delurient cell

there the bottle did not have a bottom like an endless well

Hey bad rune stepped down the sun behind the mars

frusting the frustration gave into mildly wet droopy eyed wars 

mighty roams of night heired my blurred flowers

wishing my keeps catch me above from my falling towers

                                                                        King H. Ironson

reader I am not so sure if I told this story to you the second time

what the fuck

ask me whether I know what the fuck I am mumbling about

its just the possession of hands writing these words out as quickly as they could

even I got disturbed while doing this with external factors

they mumble other things and than right again pick up from where they were left


kissing that girl passionately 

a moment that re occurs

over and over 

again in my head

like something extending from a life

I have lived ages ago 

like you met someone stranger and you felt like you know them with all the cells of your body...

its what it feels like of the dream of that moment


be a blank page

a root connection to life

fall in an essence of unknown time

rebel like the morning dew glorious and vague

                                    King H. Ironson

Reader my mind is failing me

yes I remembered that after Cadiz

I went to Madrid

but not right away

after seeing Sevilla, Granada etc.

I recognized it when I was looking in my ticket

the year 1996 ;)

probably you were a vitamin C in the orange back than!?

tonight spotify is playin a lot of DM

I love them alot when I was student 

it was one of my favorite bands

and I had the chance to see them live 

they have great songs


"in your room"

"enjoy the silence" (my favorite)

"never let me down again"

"its no good"

"policy of truth"

"walking in my shoes"

"stripped" (check the rammstein cover)

"strange love"

"black celebration"

and many more

my mind is taking me to the time when I was a single and living back in my hometown with my friend

in a house with a beautiful bosphorus view

every morning I was looking to the sea as I was sipping my coffee to the blue channel of sea constrained between city

creeping over the blue waves

under grey skies

and every evening I used to drink to oblivion 

by watching the lights reflecting from its wavy surface

under the light of stars

luckily I was watching this on a canopy of trees

which is hardly to come by there

I guess I passed the halfway on the beer department

to be honest

I lost the count but I am not even tipsy

there is one poet I like the most

he wrote a poem about being a walnut tree


probably he was running away from the police because he was protesting something

I wish someday you would be able to see my magical hometown reader

you will understand you are there because of its weird vibration

you will feel that you are in the center of the world!

that is where its at!

(Photograph: King H. Ironson)



I have beers
I am not even tipsy
I can write more
Maybe not!


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