brim torments of unnecessary self despair

 Dear Reader,

Last night I couldn't sleep at all

so I am feeling like walking on the clouds

don't feel grounded at all..

and I don't feel well...

its like confused and aimless

but I know it will pass

fairness and goodness will find way 

and reach in some form or another...

even though all around asshole's are

spatting shit around trying to smear their shit on 

for one it is so challenging and it requires a great challenge

also knowing that things are not going to be the same again

is such a liberating and also in some form scary 

change is not easy to swallow most of the time

I am trying to focus one change at a time and one challenge at a time

but when you are on the brink of many great changes 

it is basically very exhausting

I wish my dad was still around

not to ask for his opinion 

but just to talk and hear him joking

it would be really calming 

once you find your self in your parents shoes 

and facing the similar challenges they have faced

reader you know sometimes I tell you that 

I just want to have a hermit life

because I am so tired of people dumping their shitty energy 

towards you and than fuck off

even though you are doing your best to be kind and nice

as humans we have a fucked up social relations

it doesn't matter where ever you are which ever society you belong to

as humans we have fucked up program in our relationships with one another

obviously if it was any better we wouldn't have any issues like wars

or race, gender related issues

or just simply other issues we have with one another

our motivations ruling our social relations should be based on empathy

reader excuse me 

I don't feel so good

brim torments of unnecessary self despair

flamboyant persona spreading unfair

token of gratitude in the border of unrealized dreams

awaken from deep dark nightmare to a sill of reality with endless possibilities

                                                                                    King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Diggeo - Pixabay)




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