Fall as the music grows in your heart calmly

 Dear Reader,

As I write you these words, snow is falling down from the heavens

peacefully, everywhere is covered in white powder...

Christmas lights of all colors shine on the pale white innocence

A yellow sodium street lamp shows me how nice the snow is falling

its falling fastly, probably tomorrow I will need to do the first shovelling tomorrow

and high likely I will need to drive my son to the school..

Today, I have tried to do my first brewing experiment...

one with wheat, barley, oats, buckwheat and the other one is without buckwheat

both of the batches were flavored with coriander seeds and a cinnamon stick

kind of old school beer brewing

very old school....like the Sumerian beers!

in the end I obtained approximately 2L of each now they are going to ferment at least for 2 weeks

later I will bottle them by adding extra spoon of honey each...

although I don't have beer bottles that can hold pressure

so I will use glass jars we will see until then

this mashing, filtering, boiling and preparing took nearly half of the day...

but it take my mind away from the gloom

normally I am not this gloomy but

time to time it feels like everything is crushing down on me...

actually when I look afterwards 

it is clear that most of these gloomy feeling is the things that I reflect on things I perceive

this is all my reflection

so all is my making, in the end...

Slay a rhapsody in order to slay a great bucks

Pulse of a vibe conspires schizophrenia creatively

Great ray of light form my love, not a rife of a phony

Fall as the music grows in your heart calmly

Crack lairs, hail shy say, go celebrate broken pieces of hell gully

Accepting light's majesty and love in its all glory

                                                        King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Joaquin Carfagna - Pexels)





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