faltering nuances pastel mendacities

 Dear Reader,

Today was a busy day, tried to get the internet working

finally a success...

later on last part of the computer of my son has arrived...

and working internet and the computer part became a surprise for him

another big news is I am moving to Ontario

in January....no I have not arranged a house or anything

it will not be in GTA instead a small town 3 hours drive from where I am at...

so I will have many big things to do in coming days...

wish me luck for finding a suitable place with a decent rent...

still need to find a job...


tonight, we made my son's computer's final touches and hopefully 

it worked and made him extremely happy

so, after that long amount of years I can still build up a decent pc 

and make it work...

as I was in the university you had all kind of issues and problems when

you are trying to make a computer on your own...

now considering that times its so easy...

I even updated the bios of the motherboard (running program of the main board that makes the computer work) easy/peasy

before it was not a simple step...now it is very easy and bios have more options but an easier interface...

it took 2h tops to set up everything windows is included

wow... we still need to get a copy of windows to activate it though farewell 180$

felt hopeful and excited again...

and no I didn't do any dare devil idiocracy today...

sometime I need to cut that huge branch in the backyard...

tomorrow I am expecting a interview call please pray for me

its a job around the region I am moving to....

really need that job...

by the way a new publication is on the way for me

but not a literary work its one of the many unpublished scientific articles that I had...

more is on the way...

oh by the way...

you can't find my articles searching KHI

that is my pen name ;)

Rational girl fool, a tool of embalmed hours 

her fall hit bears minty obscurity tours

hystery's lair six gruesome tracks

a  persona's role greedy always wanting for more 

grab cash put it in stash no room for romances 

faltering nuances pastel mendacities

bubble the life's foam like a cheap soda spilled on dirty grounds

                                                                                King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Korneker - Pixabay)





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