Sincerely happy and present slumber

Dear Reader,

Today I wake up to a white morning

and with rush I had to clear the driveway from the snow...

it snowed quite a bit around 10 cm

but a heavy snow...

while other drive ways are cleared from the snow by snow plough

mine is manual...

it took my half an hour to do the clearing 

later on took my son and drive him to the school

normally he walks or bikes to the school but when 

there is an extra ordinary weather or in the beginning of the 

cold seasons, I drive him....

sometimes he asks because he just don't want to walk that day

so anyways we come to the school but there was no one!

probably we were not aware but the school is closed, 

I parked the car in the parking lot of the library which is across his school

and I checked the e-mails from the school to find out they don't have school today

so we turned back to home

had a cup of black coffee wake up for real

than made my meditation...

I was just working on updating my cv 

all of a sudden electricity went out...

after a quick inspection we realized that a large branch (as large as young tree) of the tree of my neighbor fell on my backyard and standing on the powerline connecting my house to the grid...


I went out to check it out, it was a huge branch and its difficult to move

I didn't want to do anything so that the power distribution company could take it away

reported the situation to the power company and they told me that 

many regions in the city don't have electricity at the moment 

and they are trying to restore the power 

so we try to spend some time with my son

and we decided to head out and play with the snow

we made snow angels and played snow balls

than out of boredom and no electricity I decided to do nougat

so I decided to go out to buy some nuts and necessary materials

when I came back from the shop

the power came but the branch was still on the power lines

so...the power cut was not related to the branch

I was pissed because now probably power on the line

and a huge branch was on the line

so stupid me attached a long plastic rope to the branch

and pulled it from a distant

like the electricity wouldn't transfer from it

such a dumb decision

anyways the branch tumbled down and fell down with a tud

no electrocution for me thanks to god

but later on I was angry for my self...

what kind of an idiotic thing to do....

anyways the problem is solved...

although when I get back in the home

I realized that because of the electricity cut the modem was burnt and not working

the internet provider told me that the modem needs to change

and until tomorrow no internet in the house

continued with the nougat project

and it turned out to be great

so sweet for my taste though but its delicious

now I am writing you this entry using my phone as a hot spot

so I will keep it short...

Ember trembler stupid moves don't be dumber

Snow angels mitigations chamber

White cold snow white pure light member

Sincerely happy and present slumber

Cordially riding the high wave of love and happiness of a soul liber

                                                                                    King H. Ironson

(Photograph: King H. Ironson, Snow Angel of King)




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