a sweet blossom of delusion in the vision you seek as the real deal

 Dear Reader,

Today I have got my car inspection done -270$

uhh what a hit to my budget

life is so expensive up in here Canada

reader I have got shocked again for another thing today

I have learned that I need to buy waste bag tag from the municipality

for the regular household garbage bags...

they collect the organic and recycling for free

but if you have that cannot go into those two, than you need to fetch a tag for 3$ 

for each bag woow, I am not joking

its really expensive to throw things to the garbage here in this new town

in one aspect it is a good thing because it would reduce the amount of garbage that will end up in the landfill

but 3$ c'moon

its f'ckin expensive

tomorrow I need to get the Ontario insurance done which I hope would not be extra expensive

I don't know if you know but here in Ontario because there is a great problem of car theft and because of the provincial requirements, car insurance was so expensive before

it was crazy, I remember paying 300$ per month before

in comparison I was paying 75$ for the same car in Quebec..

reader this car I have been talking about is not a fancy car...its an average car

its not an expensive or a luxury car

reader its really hard....

sorry I have talked all nonsense and rubbish taking your time here

but it is what it is, I can only create with things at hand...

yes there is a spiritual aspect for everything but there is also a material aspect everything you live in

don't get me wrong both are connected but it doesn't mean that if you are aware spiritually and materially...

its not easy to position yourself away from all these gaga gugu of what the world dictates upon you

because you are tied to the system regardless of how you don't like it and how you don't find it fair

so reader you need to get along and navigate your way in it

reader I hope you don't have these problems I have

and from the bottom of my heart I wish quick relief for everyone struggling up in here with this hard life conditions

reader because the economy is so bad and due to lack of housing and terrible immigration politics

there is a hostility in the air against the immigrants...you can feel it

its so sad, because just like everyone immigrants are also fooled and found themselves in the same shit show 

and unfortunately immigrants, new comers are more vulnerable than the established Canadian's whom once were also immigrants in these lands

its been a rapid increasing depreciation of life standards in the last five years

its very sad to see the desperation in faces of people 

Abyss of sages, frozen to be reborn

your soul offspring will reborn from its ashes

after you die, it will awaken to majesty of life

just like you spread your mighty wings from your burnt up ashes

proud wisdom envoy, flow through you veins, without blemishes

drink the tea of sage to awaken the mage in the interface of your heart and mind 

a sweet blossom of delusion in the vision you seek as the real deal 

yet you open another veil, reveal another seal as you heal sip by sip

                                                                          King H. Ironson 

(Photograph: Pitsch - Pixabay)



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