break the bleak shadows of unwritten future

 Dear Reader,

I have many things to do but I feel so tired..

so I have been resting and taking things slowly

the weather is extremely cold anyways...

this new place I am in is a very small town just like 

my previous town...

but the difference in my previous town I can go to 

city center (Montreal) approximately in 20-30 minutes

here to get to nearest big city is approximately 1hours 

and to get to Toronto is approximately 2 hours

people are very friendly as far as I can see

I want to go out and discover the town

but its so cold and I am so tired...

the main thing I need to do is to get my old Ontario plates

and do my registration

so that process starts with an inspection, next week some day

I need to get an appointment from a mechanic to get this done

than I will need to get an Ontario insurance

hopefully it will be as cheap as Quebec's insurance

reader, I have been having peaceful meditations each morning

and I feel like a deadweight was lifted from my shoulders

feeling very light and bright :)

break the bleak shadows of unwritten future

put your mind aside and follow my procedure

focus in might coming within your structure

bleed unbreakable will, make it your signature

toughen up, embark pain, crush under pressure 

don't break up, yet trap light to become shiny under exposure

forgive, don't forget, be in the present even among failure

except your nature learn its lure and cure

                                                    King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Mherfurt - Pixabay)





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