celebrate the day with every small gloss

 Dear Reader,

This post marks a corner stone

365th entry of this blog...

I have started this blog on my birthday last year

so there is still one and a half month until that day...

it means there were entries made in this blog more than once a day in certain days...

wow...its like a year passed...and the blog still goes on

what a journey...

I thought I would get bored and leave the blog after some time

it didn't happen

yes I know there were times I have not write at all even for days

but after all it continued..

so its a nice celebration for me with a glass of water

I don't have beers reader...and even I had the beers 

tomorrow I will need to wake up early...

so that I can make breakfast for my son and send him to school...

oh my oh my...

dear reader thank you very much as well

for reading my lousy work and continuing to support my work silently

and those of you who are buying the books thank you very much as well

I really appreciate your support...

today I was not able to do much but I have looked for a document

so that I can switch to my old Ontario plates...

now I need to get an appointment from a mechanic for vehicle inspection

after that I will get an Ontario insurance and hopefully apply for an Ontario registration.

so reader... I am very tight on money...

I need to do the registration of the car and maybe start some earning with food delivery or such...

need the car and need some income asap...

and another weird thing to mention

I got a boner during my meditation

for no reason at all... :)

it was weird and funny at the same time

I didn't know what to make of it?

ha ha ha ha...

also found some old pictures in my computer 

not the nudes 

me when I was in my late 20's or early 30's maybe

weird I don't recall many of the pictures and who took them

but they were nice pictures...

they took me to times that does not exist anymore

I was smiling and seem happy in the pictures

but actually I remember to be very sad and troubled 

at those years, maybe it was the mask I wear to external world

toss the loss don't be such a boss

celebrate the day with every small gloss

if your thick glass focus on happiness

you cannot miss all the good bless

if you think all the roses blossoms 

you will feel them with all your senses

                                    King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Nennieinszweidrei - Pixabay)

I saw that I gained some weight
and my face look older
in comparison to the photo
but I still look ok :)




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