dare to learn and dare to burn

 Dear Reader,

Its been a very tiring day...

woke up very early to find out school bus is not going to arrive

as this happened...the car was covered under 5 cm of ice

and my son was already late to school

as I was trying to clean up the car so to drive him to the school

I accidentally hit the viper stick, the vipers initiated 

and driver side of my viper broke


I recently bought and changed them....before the move

its really stupid...

happened in seconds

what kind of plastic is this...

"garbage" so reader if you are going to change the viper blades

don't get them from Costco just like me

last time I bought the vipers from there, they were good and I used them 

over 2 years...this time....

it broke in the first ice rain

anyways I need to pay for new blades

thanks god I am crafty and can do these kind of stuff on my own

so that I don't have to pay for the mechanic..

reader aside this incident and many others 

the day passed I was not able to do any other thing

because of the lack of school bus I need to pick my son as well afternoon

so buying the wiper blade, installing it and shoveling snow and driving my son to school and back...

the day passed...

in between I made couple of books and started a big project

great "Ramayana" or "Ramayan"

its already 3000 pages in 6/9 format...

so probably it will be 10 volume set we will see

I am trying to increase my income on the books...

I need a job

sometimes I feel like I have been trapped

like a slave

slave to money, debt,

relationships, social expectations,

mind, emotions, body....


if you consider there are many things around 

which are trying to trap you...

the trick is to become aware

when you start to recognize this pattern

you will start to recognize how these dark

thoughts sprout and pull you down 

strip you from your freedom and happiness

reader, you can create everything with your inner fire

its a light that can transform to everything

you need to look within

but as you know opposites attract one another

dark is attracted to great light

covering it 

focus on your inner light

yes darkness will be all around

and its not easy to follow the path of the light

but its the path to everything

essence of being

dare to learn and dare to burn

fare to yearn and fare to turn

care to earn and care to return

bare to born and bare to bourn

                                       King H. Ironson      

(Photograph: Passion1000 - pixabay)







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