eternal fight of divine over covered inner glow

 Dear Reader,

I am certain that black squirrels are more playful than the brown ones (I am so worried about my friends which are brown squirrels back in Quebec, I hope that they can find things to eat in this cold weather)

this morning I have watched them and danced in the living room to a 

very playful Ganesh mantra...

reader I have been in India

its a magical country, 

its not like anything i have seen before

did you know I got a weird palm reading there from a mystic

when the mystic saw my face he became pale as lime

he just got freezed and got paralyzed like he saw a ghost

I nudged him with asking questions like

hey am I getting a fast sports car

he nodded and I was not able to get much 

out of him... I couldn't get any good fortune reading 

I wonder what he was so scared

it just came to my mind, memories

I don't know why unrelated memories pops up in our mind

also I don't know why I told you this

anyways I started my day happy 

with dances and singing

i will raise my vibration everyday like this

lets see how it will transform my life...

I will let you know of the changes from here...

reader, can I ask a favor from you...

tomorrow can you make a favor to one stranger for no reason at all?

just make an act of kindness to anyone and make them smile

it can be anything, it can be anyone, animals included

you will see that small kindness return to you in a big way

the smallest return is that you will feel good 

for being kind

I think that is enough return to spread kindness..


sinking the malice chalice of the wrong sun

misery fired grooves, proove darkness is a long run

determined, chanting to beat and mend this creep 

prepared and dared, menacing lure, a cure

eternal fight of divine over covered inner glow

breathtaking age d'ore shine if the false sun is thrown

happiness is in the living of the moments crown

                                                            King H. Ironson  

(Photograph: Congerdesign - Pixabay)





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