experience outlast what the beast feast

 Dear Reader,

Yesterday, I have got occupied by things and couldn't find the time to write,

actually I planned to break on Sunday but for some reason

I felt the urge to write that day...Yesterday I wanted to write but I got occupied

reader you cannot plan everything, because life happens

you need to be present when life happens, you have to be wrapped up in a great wrapping paper

and tied with a red ribbon and everything...


we need to look to life from this perspective

I know its easier said than done...

my ears hearing things like 

"hey king, you tell all these kind of things I wonder how much you are doing all these!"

my answer will be "I am trying!"

because I know that is the way to catch what you have from the remaining time of you life

reader have you ever thought that you are not even the same you when you were born...

you might ask me, what f.. you are talking about?

the question is this...

reader can you name some kind of material that you kept since you were born?

maybe you might say your body

I would say no

because all the cells, atoms, molecules made you...you as a baby 

are already gone and changed....

cells die and regenerate...

and when you consider there is no essence making you...."you" is permanent!

than what is making you, "you"

what is the essence of you?

if you can find that essence within you

than you will understand that it is not something perishable

because even all those materials that are making you "you" changed

certain aspects of that essence remained within you...

don't get me wrong

I am not trying to make a religious proof...

and I don't promote any religion or belief in anyway...

because I think that

one does not need religion to believe in higher power

or need any kind of institution which intervenes your relationship with that higher power

the means to reach that higher realms and higher power is in everyone

what I asked is an existential thinking game..

for answering the question

what does the deeds I have done in my life gained me?

what all these experiences I am experiencing I can carry with me?

reader I used to be an ambitious person with my career 

and I was so focussed to get to a certain career goal..

the goal that I reached really disappointed me

or I can say the same things for some of the personal life achievements,

which made me think from all these endeavors in life

what remained for me?

what you can carry in being is the experiences you acquire

ups and downs vibrations...

reader when I felt the lowest in my life and searching for the meaning

answers appeared out of nothing in the black nothingness I fell into

this doesn't mean you have to jump into nothingness and darkness to get answers for everything

please don't do such thing...I don't think it works that way...

Like its mentioned in the Kybalion "The lips of the wisdom is closed except to ears of understanding." 

So that was the case with me as well..

when you are ready to comprehend the wisdom, it shows itself to you in every way possible and makes sure you understand it...

so you don't need to seek it

reader I always want to write about this experience

but it is really difficult to put into words as you may have guessed this is still an ongoing process

and really I don't have anything better than poetry to share it with you...

juices of prejudices, contrast out for an outcast

voices of nuances, forecast shadows for the ghast

dwell in everything and nothing all at once blast

vast choices, every juice and every nuance is a new soul cast

experience outlast what the beast feast

                                    King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Manuluna - Pixabay)







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