illumination is invocation of liberation

 Dear Reader,

Howdy? Is it also cold, snowy and icy where you are at?

Do you find stupid things to laugh at or make jokes on your own and than laugh at them wildly? 

Do you enjoy bright colors like alive reds, blues, greens?

Do you feel the need to listen to the nature everyday?

Do you enjoy your own company?

Do you ever dance alone with the weird dance moves and do you ever had fun with doing that?

Do you ever find interesting things, signs and people wherever you go? and do you enjoy that?

Do you enjoy listen to very common stuff, every genre and very weird bands and groups?

Do you like to art? Listen to the silence and watch the moon wherever you can?

Do you enjoy company of animals?

if you can say yes to all of the above I think I can get along well with you..

reader, today school bus didn't showed up again...

probably it will not show up tomorrow as well

waiting for the school bus turned into waiting for Godot


oh reader 

riding bike will be cool in this new town

its rustic and pretty

there will be many places to discover

I hope i will have time energy and some money to enjoy this summer fully

when the farmers market opens up I plan to sell tomato soup with crotons, and shredded cheddar in a cup

my tomato soup is legendary

maybe this town likes my soup

and I can be the cranky soup guy of the town just like the one in the Seinfeld

ha ha ha

really this is no joke...

I have a plan to open up a pop up shop with my son

he likes it as well...

reader its for sure I cannot sell my craft Sumerian beer :(

that needs great work for sure

maybe I can sell my stupid jokes written on small papers?

with my terrible hand writing of course

the writing even sometimes I cannot read  

How about that? 

people can buy them as a talisman or magic of somesort

where as actually a terrible dad joke is waiting there to be deciphered

a deadly(dadly) joke which is ready to give you a stroke of comprehension

a blue screen of death

system crash

after your reboot you will understand that you paid money for nothing

but chicks are ain't free

reader I guess I am bored,

Elon must have sneaked on me with his weird company...

by the way we have the Canadian Tire stores all around in Canada

if you know here 

you know that this is a store where you can find many things like tools, gardening supplies, car stuff

and they have a mechanic shop that does small things like tire, brake, oil changes etc.

usually this store is flooded with retiree's and seniors

most of the things are overpriced and there is no point of buying from there unless they had a giant discount or clearance on certain items.

I have a proposal for this brand

they can change their name to Canadian re-tired

because as the way it is they indicate that they are going to tire you with the prices

I am cold 

somebody help me with these freezing jokes...

Canada became a colder country when I moved in because of my jokes

so reader

I need some air for my thoughts, I cannot spurt out the words in right consistency at the moment

need an alignment

I have a serious deviation

probably because of constipation

deviation rotation, constipation fashion

station fixation, motivation donation

masturbation citation, creation relation

inflation nation, population cremation

prion ration, iteration figuration 

toleration desolation, location obliteration

vacation violation, isolation education

imitation divination, salutation amputation

shoes goes right to left and left to right

there is no might without light in such blight

salvation is illumination, 

illumination is invocation of liberation

                                            King H. Ironson

(Photograph: Henry Han - Pexels)






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