kind pymander, soul extender

 Dear Reader,

Yesterday I fell a sleep on the couch...

so no entry for you to read ...

oops sorry...

I take a break reader....

sometimes, I get exhausted, I need to regenerate

it was one of those days...

reader, I guess all this insanity we are experiencing 

in our today's world is going to increase and increase

so probably we will see tragic events that will scar our collective consciousness

we all together have to stop suffering around us collectively

we don't have the luxury to turn the blind eye

if we want to live and prosper peacefully collectively...

reader all these problems we live today

are because we lost our connection to our real selves

as humans....

and instead of living in this real self

we all choose to live in a persona forcefully dressed up to us

for the conveniences brought by the modern society 

this persona suffocates and incarcerates our soul 

in the end we are bitter and we act bitter

bitterness turns into darkness 

darkness gives birth to darkness

we run clothed in this persona to chase the cheese placed on a stick placed above us

we run and we run with the lack of content, greed and hunger to achieve

the unachievable

there is always more to attain 

there is always more to achieve 

and the cheese is never attainable, never achievable

yes this is one of the prisons we are trapped in

...there are more invisible prisons

we all created upon us collectively

so reader 

freedom is really the cunt of the morning bloom

we fight we run behind the false narratives 

we spend our lives all in vein

we become stranger to ourselves

we become stranger to one another

in this tight unsuitable clothes

we suffocate slowly gentle

be compassionate

be loving

be light

and spread this around you

if we are bound to this prison

maybe we can make it more livable

more suited 

for all of us!

blind render, wonderful spellbinder

bind grinder, masterful elder

kind pymander, soul extender

mind commander, beautiful ascender

                            King H. Ironson

(Illustration: Fronts piece from The Divine Pymander of Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus, Ed. John French (1616-1657), Translated by John Everard (1584-1641))




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